Outdoor Plants Struggling


New Member
Hey there, I'm growing outdoors and 2 of my plants are showing signs of a problem but all the others are looking good. It could be that it was too hot as the pacific northwest had that heat wave (temps were over 100/38 degrees for a couple days) but I made sure they had water. The first one is a g13 haze plant, which I really want to do well. It has yellow and brown spots on the fan leaves but not the growing sites. It was worse than it is in the picture I already took a couple leaves off before I realized to take a picture. I don't care as much about the overall yield as the quality, so any tips on how to help it would be appreciated. The next one is lemon haze, and I think it has an immobile nutrient deficiency since the yellowing is at the top, but it could also be sun bleaching (I think). If you guys have any tips or suggestions please let me know.

My growing medium is organic raised bed potting soil from a local shop mixed with perlite and about 50% horse manure that has been composted well. I water almost daily with normal water. If you have any questions let me know
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Yeah, the leaves were solid green, and the plants were a little smaller.
Thought so.. Looks like sun damage, they should grow out of it.. My wife's flower beds really took it hard..
They only need water when the soil gets dry.. Not everyday..
OK, I was watering daily only during the heat wave, and now that it's over ill go back to watering when the soil is dry. I just heard that it's important they have enough water to cool themselves down. Thanks for the help!
Shade them next time,I had to cover all my beds in that heat,thank god its gone for now.