Outdoor problems


Active Member
So ive got the Obama runtZ just in case some of y'all haven't seen my posts in the past. I got my seed out of a beautiful nice looking bud that came from a packet from the dispensary. I paid 250 for the half believe it or not (private reserve)..anyways make long story short.

I had russet mites, killed them off by de and insecticidal soap. Dehydrated the fuckers. Then I had a hole in the stock. Found out some fuckin worms an beetles were inside, so I put some rubbing alcohol in the hole along with more de, then sewed up the whole by drying up some de on it..

Now she looks rough but not drooping and I'm using RO along with calmag. This strain isn't the easiest one to work with, Im in VA.. I'm thinking I have till August 15 to Early September before the light switches.

Does anyone, or better yet, has anyone ever suffered from these problems? If so, I only use organic stuff, if anyone has any suggestions that I could do to better the grow I'd love it for real..lol thanks in advance


Active Member
So ive got the Obama runtZ just in case some of y'all haven't seen my posts in the past. I got my seed out of a beautiful nice looking bud that came from a packet from the dispensary. I paid 250 for the half believe it or not (private reserve)..anyways make long story short.

I had russet mites, killed them off by de and insecticidal soap. Dehydrated the fuckers. Then I had a hole in the stock. Found out some fuckin worms an beetles were inside, so I put some rubbing alcohol in the hole along with more de, then sewed up the whole by drying up some de on it..

Now she looks rough but not drooping and I'm using RO along with calmag. This strain isn't the easiest one to work with, Im in VA.. I'm thinking I have till August 15 to Early September before the light switches.

Does anyone, or better yet, has anyone ever suffered from these problems? If so, I only use organic stuff, if anyone has any suggestions that I could do to better the grow I'd love it for real..lol thanks in advance

