Outdoor Pure Afghan.... But I need Help!!


Active Member
I have had my babies outside since april 28. They dont get all the light they need, but they get enough. i am growing them in the woods. and i mean the WOODS. I let them veg till mid June until i topped them. and so they started to re veg. it is now july 21 and i still can't tell the sex of the damn things. I am afraid i wont get that big of a crop. i am kinda upset. really, I am. If anyone could help me out with why these little buggers have yet to bloom, that would be much appreciated!!kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I have had my babies outside since april 28. They dont get all the light they need, but they get enough. i am growing them in the woods. and i mean the WOODS. I let them veg till mid June until i topped them. and so they started to re veg. it is now july 21 and i still can't tell the sex of the damn things. I am afraid i wont get that big of a crop. i am kinda upset. really, I am. If anyone could help me out with why these little buggers have yet to bloom, that would be much appreciated!!kiss-ass
cut some trees around the plant's:!: They need more sun:!:;-)

oh yes BTW. a picture wouldn't hurt!!!


Active Member
mine have been in the ground around the same time and sex is still not showing. I have one pure indica and a northern light haze cross. The haze cross is like 24in and the in like 12 to 13in. The 21st and 22nd of july are the longest days here in chicago and days will slowly get shorter keep them going dont get overzelous and pull out male that could potentionaly be female. grady


Active Member
Probably a little sooner for males. My males showed like 8 days before females last year. and It was about mid aug. Think you have all of september for them to double in size from veg stage watch. grady


Active Member
Are you using advanced nutrients. I fed mine last sunday and they grew from 18in to 24 25in in almost a week. The weather here in chicago is wierd this summer. Its been cool no hotter that 85deg and little rain this july but i cant complain i have a hose to water and the conditions are perfect so far this summer if you could call it that. grady


Well-Known Member
I've been using Fox Farms Trio this year with some outstanding results...Let me know what you think...
Just clean the ground around you plant a little, digit up turn it over gently and maybe add some nutrients to it. And yes cut some trees of to get more sun.


Well-Known Member
mid august is when flowering begins...not preflowering...you should notice preflowers about 6-8 weeks after germ.


New Member
well last yr i went out every nite the hole1st wk of aug and u couldnt c andsigns of sex until the middle of the 2nd wk iplanted a wk b4 the 4th ofjuly and vegged them inside 4 a month noe they rin the corn grow very very big if its anything tlike last yr over 8 ft tall 2 lbs a plant dry


Active Member
I have yet to use Foxfarms, heard alot of good things about it. I have been using the past years PRO-MIX bx and hp. This stuff makes my seedlings jump in 3 days. I like using advanced nuts. They have thier nutrient table right on thier sight and tells you week by week what you should be adding. I have been using just a little less than what they say cuz i hate to over fert. But i do recomend using "Bud Candy" later for carbo blast. Used it last year and added 6 to 8% to my yield.


Well-Known Member
and y wood u grow 1 plant john
1 of many...I have 11 total...I started with 20, but some were males...had to pull them. It also depends when you plant your seeds too. Mine were planted first week of May, and showed sex middle of June.:peace:


Active Member
They showed pre flowers. I see no one ever talking about neem oil. I use it once a week and have yet to have a bug land on my plants. Get some neem oil for outdoors so you dont get invaded by pests. Plus its a plant and human medicine used i think like 1700 b.c. It keeps those leaves looking shinny and also acts as a suffactant if i have the word right letting the plant get better foliar feeding. grady