Outdoor Pure Afghan.... But I need Help!!


Active Member
Well i went out and harvested my lowryder#2 some kinda of animal had literakky pulled the bitches out of the ground and it was so f-ed up. the smoke is ok but the buds where so small. I mean i got like maybe 2 grams off 2 plants. it sucked. but my afghans are going. i think i see balls on a plant or two. but it could be a calayx without hairs yet. you never no i am optimistic. but anywho can anyone tell me please if i could be right about that.

Muscle Bud

Active Member
If you slid a picture or two it would help us help you. Here is one of my pure landrace afghan's from DNA seed stock.

This pic is at 6-7-09 transplanted clone from mother around 6" - 8"

Here she is at 6-21-09 2 weeks later on Fox Farm nutes.

This is the same clone on 7-7-09 1 month of growth from transplant with Fox Farm Nutes.

top at 7-15-09

As mentioned these were clones, sexed inside then transplanted.



Active Member
Ok I know i havent posted in awhile, but here are pics of my PURE AFGHAN! It is growing great. All my other plants except this one have turned male or hermie. so they had to die. I also have what i like to call a volunteer plant. I tossed a seed in by my tomatoe plants for shits and grins! lol.... sure the fudge enough that little bitch grew. Its been going since May. It has horrible light under the tomatoe plants, but it sure as hell had enough light to bud. Its only as tall as a gallon of milk. The pics are from last week. I am going to snap some more in a day or two. Wish the girls luck!!!!:leaf:



Active Member
doesent look like they get enough light intensity. are there alot of clouds in your area?
Yes and the fact that i trimmed a trailer full of tree in the spring time to let light in the area better, but the flipping trees just grew leaves thicker than before Damn it all to hell. This was a learning experience. Next year i have it all planned out. I have a way better spot and most of all more secluded.