outdoor stunted growth


Active Member
Hey all and thanks for taking time to answer my question ...i have some bag seeds i decided to give a spin they are a month from seed and out of 10, 3 are way smaller than the rest, they have stopped growing in height 2 weeks ago they feel a bit tougher and are very noticably lighter green and yellowish...soil is MG 3 month release but has low NPK raitio of 9.5.7. I was planning on feeding them some nutes but it has rained sparatically for 2 days and the soil is still moist a knuckle down. U guys think my babies just need nutes? Also any idea if my strain is indica or sativa? Or is it too soon?


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Well-Known Member
Hey Hiram, I think your ok on nutes since you used slow release soil. I find that using bag seed results in plants that are not uniform. A perfect example is no consistency in height or color. You may notice even more differences when they get bigger and start budding, I would not do anything to those plants. They look good. Try not to compare the color from one plant to another. A better way is to see if you have any yellow leaves (which I do not see in any of those pics) that is usually a sign that you plants need something. You should try to remember not to get in your plants way. I fucked up a lot of plants when I first started growing by using too much ferts and additives. From my eyes those plants look fine. Just make sure you have a lot of drainage holes in those buckets. and you should be good. Good Luck Dude. and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Oh and if your using tap water or city water, let is sit out over night before you use it. City water usually has chlorine in it and plants do not like chlorine. I will evaporate if you set the water out overnight before you use it. If your on a well you dont need to do this.


Active Member
Thanks bertaluchi, and i have about 6 silver dollar sized holes on the bottom of the buckets i was actually planning on drilling some holes around the bottom as well...i didnt kno anything about bag seeds being less uniform..makes alot of sense...could u tell if sativa or indica?


Well-Known Member
Its a bit hard to say if its sativa or indica but if you got it out of a bag of decent bud it is most likely a hybrid of the two. I will be a bit easier to tell once the get a bit bigger. Usually thick leaf fingers mean indica and skinny ones are sativa. But there are so many hybrids around now that I would bet it is some sort of hybrid. Good work on distilling the water.


Active Member
Haha exactly what i was thinking!! I compared them and the leaves seem medium compared to the large indica and narrow sativa leaves...and it was actually some very exceptional bag bud...thats why i figured I'd try em...i know people turn their noses up to schwag seeds but the way i see it, these plants probably have the potential to be dank but just were grown incorrectly, cured incorrectly, and transported near butane tanks etc etc..


hey Hiram

congrats on the grow so far!

from what i can tell the plants stunted growth is from the soil you are using...all those wood chips in the soil are stunting the plants root development, in turn slowing the growth of the plants.

the attached pic is sunshine pro-mix #4, can you tell the difference? no big pieces of wood! CIMG5214.JPG

I know this info is no good to you now...but the good news is eventually the roots will develop and the plants will grow!

Also, drainage holes on the side work better than on the bottom.

one last thing spray paint those buckets black or camouflage!



Well-Known Member
I would say over-watering. Lift up the buckets and see how heavy they are. If they are really heavy don't water them until they are super light.


Active Member
Thx for the responses folks!

P0TBelly - the wood chips are only dressing..the soil itself is very light and fluffy

EGrower - I rarely water...ONLY when the bucket feels light and its dry a knuckle to a knuckle & a half down...i DO mist the leaves daily because it averages 90 dgrs here...

I actually thought about covering the plant up securely and spraying some adhesive on the bucket then sticking layers of grass all over it...could this be a bad idea? And if not over watered and if my soils texture is correct. Why the stunted growth?...ONLY thing i can think of is i might have snapped some roots while transplanting


Well-Known Member
that mg with ferts is ok in the ground i guess , i dont like it period . what the prob is the ph is messed up ,every time you water you release fertilizer . cant wash the salts away from the roots . get some distilled water as it is 7.0 ph and pure , no ec it will be the best for trying to get out some salts . always try and get a quality soil ,if all else fails go to lowes/depot get mg organic and ammend .


Active Member
Makes sense Pink...im starting a closet grow and best believe i am going with premium organic soil this time...im sure if not for the slow release pellots my mixture would have been better. But fortunately 7 out of ten are looking very happy !!!