Outdoor Super Bud seedling problem - help please!

Hey guys,

For my first grow, I have planted 8 GHS Super Bud seeds and plan to grow them mainly outdoors. I live in London.

I planted on April 26th and they sprouted 5 days later, and have kept them on the window sill and in the garden during sunlight hours. I'm going to plant another 4 seeds (Purple Maroc) over the next couple days. They have all been kept in small pots in a mixture of John Innes No.1 and some perlite and been watered with collected rainwater.

The plan is to transplant them into larger pots very soon in some John Innes No.3 and allow them to grow until around the beginning of July in a mini-greenhouse and then force-flower them for two months.

The plant in the picture has grown some yellow and brown bits, and so I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me what I could do to save it. That'd be hugely appreciated.
superbud seedling.jpg


Well-Known Member
Start again. While you are waiting for that stressed near dead seedling to recover, a new healthy seedling will outgrow it in 2 days .