Outdoor UK Advice Needed

Hi Guys and Girls,

I have two ladies, one is doing fine (the one inside the make shift green house) and the other has some slight dis-colouration in the leaves (turning slightly lighter green). I suspect their could be a Nitrogen problem, could someone confirm this? I have been feeding them both the same fert (5-5-5) once a week and have added some molasses to the last feed (as they are starting to flower).

Before I go any further I am going to get a ph soil tester, some bone meal and I also have some Biobizz Bio Bloom coming (to use after I have sorted out this initial problem. My tap water is quite hard and limey which leads me to the conclusion that the soil could be slightly more on the alkaline side, so if anyone can suggest how to raise lower my ph slightly.

I don't want to mess things up even more, so if there is someway I can stabilise the plant ready for flowering nuts then I would be grateful of any advice.

