!!Outdoor .vs. Indoor!!

Yeah I understand this... there are RICH canadians and other very wealthy people doing this...the setups your speaking of cost millions to build and maintain on a constant basis....

that i cant argue with your right
heres a pic comparison. around the same stage of growth, same strain.
i agree, indoor looks much more appealing, but looks can be deceiving. i always seem to lose my buzz smoking indoor but with outdoor i can get fried for a couple hours each and every time, all year long.
thats strange man maybe your harvesting your indoor too early
heres a pic comparison. around the same stage of growth, same strain.

That indoor bud looks further along then the outdoor one does, notice how none of the hairs on the outdoor is red yet the indoor has red hairs, sign of maturity, and like stated before outdoor does take abit longer. also were they both soil grows?

And seriously just because you have had a bad batch of outdoor doesnt mean you cant grow good stuff outdoors, the stuff you tried that had no crystal and is basically like bunk is weed thats grown by people who dont know what their doing or dont have the means to use proper feeds and such, now ive showed this bud around the site a few times EVERYONE LOOOK its real outdoor and its really effing dank. and its hard as a brick
Indoor you have more control on whats going on considering you are in-control of the "sun" (lights) but outdoors nature takes over more pure and potent outdoor for sure
great pictures but I will agree that the indoor does look a little further along...if the outdoor bud was a little further along it would look the same probably....just bigger...
I think when growing outdoors it all depends on the weather. One cant grow the same qualities in outdoor conditions in Ohio as a growing in California right? In California the weather is usually prime for marijuana and california outdoor can compete with anyones indoor. Its not about Indoor Vs. Outdoor cuz everyone is a little biast when it comes to this topic. The advantage indoors is that you can control your environment but it is costly.... I think if ppl really want to find out they should do both. Post some pics of indoor buds and some nice giant outdoor buds and let others judge instead of just making this an opinion thing.
I think when growing outdoors it all depends on the weather. One cant grow the same qualities in outdoor conditions in Ohio as a growing in California right? In California the weather is usually prime for marijuana and california outdoor can compete with anyones indoor. Its not about Indoor Vs. Outdoor cuz everyone is a little biast when it comes to this topic. The advantage indoors is that you can control your environment but it is costly.... I think if ppl really want to find out they should do both. Post some pics of indoor buds and some nice giant outdoor buds and let others judge instead of just making this an opinion thing.
When growing bud outdoors you gotta pick a strain that does well in the climate of the area that you are in. I live in Wisconsin so obviously it gets colder sooner....I knew I wanted to grow a sativa but with sativas longer flowering period I had to pick a fast flowering sativa strain...
out door wins hands down 4 me.....

I think the reason outdoor has such a bad rep is mostly because growing ganja is illegal ((in most places)) and the police helicopters ,rippers and pure hasle of finding somewhere that is open and gets plenty of sun hours.that is safe.. means people end up planting their Ganja under trees and in hidden gully's etc that get virtually no light...so the myth is perpetuated that outdoor sucks and is jungle weed etc..... my theory anyhows
Both have advantages and disadvantages, I usually do both simulatneously so I always have bud, but outdoor beats indoor IMO.

Freinds know my harvest dates and will hound me for a curing jar of organic outdoor bud weeks in advance of chop. I think I'm on to something! :weed: