Outdoor weed and motion lights

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
So this guys says to me the other day that he was going to plant in his yard this summer. I said cool. I said to him your yard isn't that stealthy is it? He said it wasn't ( knew that ). He's got lots of teens in his area and a few deer. Plus skunks and rabbits and whatever else crawls into the yard.
I actually saw a red fox saunder across an intersection right in the city yesterday. It was strange. The guy in the car at the light beside me looked at me at the same time I looked at him. I could tell he was surprised too. It was like we both needed to verify what we just saw. lol
Then this this yard guy says to me don't worry I've installed two big LED motion lights. He said they both go off anytime anything moves. Even if his dog goes out to pee. Really sensitive they are he said. I see it inside and I go out and shoot first type thing.
So I said to him " you do know they need darkness all night right"?
He answered back that they are in the dark except for the few minutes the lights are on ...duh?

Well I have no experience here. Anyone know what happens when these things bounce on and off all night randomly? How does that effect weed plants in the direct light. Seems wrong to me.
I'd expect herms myself.
I asked are the lights to help the teens grab em in the end. Didn't like that comment. Goof.
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I think a motion activated voice sensor is better...something along the lines of a shotgun being cocked and then a "I see you fuckers..." That would be way more terrifying to me as a kid than a light.