Outermost plants in SCROG worth growing?


Active Member
i have a 600w digi going in a 5x3 1/2ft area. now couldn't I fill up the entire area with plants and the ones in the middle will jut grow denser buds which I can donate to the collectives, and the one plants on the outside will just be something like auto-flowering plants which i assume would do just fine with picking up the light furthest from th reflector and those plants I can smoke myself.

I ask that because that is what I am doing . I have 6 WW fem and 3 Little Angel Auto-Flowering Fem growing and about to add 3 CLones that will take up 3 more square feet and with a total of 12 plants in a 15sqft room with a 600w digital. I think I should do just fine I wil just expect less yield ont he outer most plants, ut at leat it is something extra, yeah? Cause if the other plants aren't going to fill that area then why not put some others there?
