outside air


How important is fresh outside air to the plants? I'm currently in the middle of moving. The place has a storage room that I want to grow inside but there are no windows near the room to open.

Will a box fan or two with the door open be sufficient?


Well-Known Member
fresh air, as in outside air, is the best air for your plants.. nothing can beat it... plentiful supply of co2 for the plants... constantly changing itself over.. what else could you ask for?

but it isnt VITAL to growing to have it...
as long as you have good air movement.. be it a box fan or two or an oscilating fan....

some sorta of air exchange... an open door works.. your plants just need new air from somewhere

and you dont have heat build up issues, then imho you will be fine in the storage room...

ideally you want to get fresh outside air to your indoor garden somehow, but your plants can grow just fine without it... assuming you meet the above criteria..

good luck


Active Member
fresh air is like air to us..iff there aint fresh air it getts stagnit and makes it harder to be absorbed by the plants.u want air being exhausted and fresh air commin in.have exhaust hight than the plants.heat rises