Over feeding?


Active Member
Plant #1
organic potting mix w 30% perlite
feeding weekly 17.5;9.2;26.5
soil ph 6.5-6.6
water ph 6.5

first picture a few of the fan leaves starting to mottle and yellow, does it look like its had nutrient burn?

plant #2
Same as first

problem :tips of leaves drying out then falling off leaving most of the leaves with square ends instead of pointy. Not really sure what's going on? I did have a gnat problem which I have fixed with neem.

plant #3
same as abouve but is a month older.

problem: all growth seems to have halted the last few weeks, fan leaves yellowing and droping off even after a ph 6.5 flush then a feed 3 days later not really sure what's going on.

Weather around here has been like 35 degrees one day then 20 deg the next and getting to around 11 degrees at night so I'm not sure what kind of impact this has on the plants?

any help is much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
The tips of the leaves look like bug damage to me. The yellow bottom leaves look to be N deficiency. I'm confused by your mention of those extreme temps -- are your plants not indoors?


Active Member
The tips of the leaves look like bug damage to me. The yellow bottom leaves look to be N deficiency. I'm confused by your mention of those extreme temps -- are your plants not indoors?
Yeah I did have a bug issue I was sure that's what was wrong. The bugs seem to of disappeared with weekley applications of neem oil.
2nd plant was low on n, gave it a all round npk.new growth looks good but older leaves aren't recovering just browning and dying.

And yes all outdoor so kinda got no conttol over that one, we are the 2nd week of summer so the weather is all over the place


Well-Known Member
Damaged leafs will not 'heal' if that's what you are waiting for.
If your new growth is coming out good, then you got the N problem handled.
When you get your 90+ degree days, you might want to try and give them a little shade.


Active Member
As stupid as it sounds I think I may have been under watering the big one ie 1/2 a gallon for a 10 gal pot, I think that with the combination of bugs,fluctuating temps high ph problems.

It wouldn't be a grow unless you are learning from it.