Over played movies.


Active Member
Okay truth is there was a time I really loved james bond movies, but then something happened...
about a dozen tv channels have apparently decided that the 007 movies are the only thing worth playing, so they don't air anything else, I have quickly learned to hate james bond with a passion. (the latest movie not helping at all) I really wanted to do a long rant but since I'm still new around here I think I'll hold my toungue a bit, I'm just wondering if anyone else around here gets sick and tired of either the 007 movies or any of the other stuff that they once loved being played into their heads so many times they can't stand to look at it anymore.


Well-Known Member
James bond is quite gay. I have never watched a full movie. I went to the cinema to see one once because a friend wanted to go, I walked out when he was snowboarding down an avalanche. Another movie I hate is Grease and Mary Poppins. Or anything with singing in it of course. Sweeney Todd. Good story but too repetitive. Utter Rubbish all of them.


Active Member
Believe it or not, How High bothers the shit out of me unless I catch it from the very beginning. If I even miss 5 minutes of the beginning, I hate watching it. Dunno why.
Ya, the bond movies have been killed for me too, but there are others the networks choose too kill. Its like they find a movie that gets good numbers, and plays it till everyone stops watchin there station, then choose another and kill it... the bond movies are playin right now because of the new one being a hit in theaters, they probably thought everyone missed seeing bond once a week... LOL!


Active Member
The thing is the whole time you know all these networks are sitting on literally hundreds of perfectly good older movies that you would actually flip by and go "oh hey it's ________ let's watch that"