over/under watering, accidental nute burn, burn from the lights?...


So I can't diagnose this myself basically and it only seems to be getting worse on this first one. Any idea's on what this could be?

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It's growing under three 33 watt CFL's and has planted 1 day over a week ago. Everything was fine and it was excelling at a fast rate, its partner is at least %30 percent bigger now and they are the same age. I've watered them the same, two to 3 times a day (decent mist), so this could be it, though to begin with he/she was drying up quick but now the soil is more moist.

I'm thinking it could be accidental nute burn because it happened to be on the same tray for around 10 minutes that the cutting which I just fed nutes too was on, meaning some of the seeped nute/water mix could of got into the little plants roots.

Anyway, I am not sure, so that's why I need your help. This second problem has been around for about 2 weeks. I'm not entirely sure what this is either but it seems to be getting less with all this new growth. A diagnosis would be ideal to put my mind at ease. Check the journal for previous pictures.

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sorry the picture quality is so crap as well