The russ0r ends up a Kratky hybrid. I'm very aware of how it works. But before roots get there plant still thrives while on wick...which you said was a no no....just wanted to clarify wick with soil actually works very well and great for new growers because it takes the guess work out. ends up a Kratky hybrid. I'm very aware of how it works. But before roots get there plant still thrives while on wick...which you said was a no no....just wanted to clarify wick with soil actually works very well and great for new growers because it takes the guess work out.
Certainly just an opinion from us both, there are 1000 ways to do it. Depending on conditions, some things work, some don't. That story goes forever - but keeping your soil wet leaves you at risk for root rot and that is a fact. A moisture meter takes the guess work out , or a chopstick. There's 1000s of videos on this