Over veg too tall


waz uo every one im new n I need help my grow room is 8by8by7 im growing durban posion I over veg it now there touching light I got no room to move the light any higher can I like top half the plant off its under a 1000 watt oh yeah itsin the 3rd week of flower help thank

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You can certainly chop the top off if you feel like it. Or as said you can just bend it and tie it down. Search supercropping.


Well-Known Member
Can you supercrop in the third week of flowering? I was under the impression that you could only do that until the until the second week. Maybe I am wrong...I would LST them to be on the safe side.


Thanks I tryed supercropping I just hope I didit rite lol well see if them girl get up in a few days rite

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well when i say supercropping, it's not really for the benefit that cropping normally would, just the height, i often just snap branches over and let em heal if i've no better alternative. I tend to be rather rough with my plants.