over watered


Well-Known Member
I overwatered my plants they were drooping for a few days. so I let the soil dry out for 3 or 4 days then watered again and the drooping leafs perked back up. but some of the lower leafs are still yellow and now there starting to get little brown spots on them. the soil im useing is fox farm light warrior in the top half of 3 gal pot. and ffof in the bottem half. will the yellow leafs come back or will they just die off? ill post pics if that helps after work.
thanks for the help I thought this place was friendly with experienced growers that help people. I guess I was wrong.
What green said, they look fine to me other than the nitro and cal/meg. They look good man. My newest clones rooted and after two weeks of veg had the same issue. I only feed water the first three weeks of veg typically unless they need nutes, yours do but not much 300-500 ppm
That soil looks awfully dry , looks like u let them dry out for too long and they locked out on ya. Any soil with amendments needs water so plants can take up nutrients . Dont let your plants dry out so much , when u water do u get runoff?
That soil looks awfully dry , looks like u let them dry out for too long and they locked out on ya. Any soil with amendments needs water so plants can take up nutrients . Dont let your plants dry out so much , when u water do u get runoff?
I was way over watering like every other day. ( I'm a noob) and all the leafs were drooping and some of the bottom ones turned yellow. So had to let it dry out a little. it was only like 3 or 4 days soil was still moist 2-3 inches under. yea I'm getting run off water.
run ur self a does of fungar rid man u might have slight root ot from the first lot of over watering also after fungar rid let it dry right out like a week or 2 then does with half ml of super thrive also full streath go green or doctor repair and let them dry out again then do ur normal feeding cycle at half streath good luck
run ur self a does of fungar rid man u might have slight root ot from the first lot of over watering also after fungar rid let it dry right out like a week or 2 then does with half ml of super thrive also full streath go green or doctor repair and let them dry out again then do ur normal feeding cycle at half streath good luck

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