Over watering or underwatering


Im not sure if im over watering or under watering the plant... she seems healthy just kinda droopy.... this just started happening today, i Checked my ph(6.0) seems to be all in order. The plants have pretty much no discolorization or any other unhealthy things going on... I decided to back off the light about 6 inches further just to make sure. Anyway ill add a pick and please let me know what you think. Oh yeah... my watering schedule floods the flow and grow buckets 5 times a day 0 at nigh(only 4 hrs of darkness) Up to this point the plant was super happy then all of a sudden BAM.2011-10-28 21.38.37.jpg


Active Member
i wouldnt trip over it.. just let nature take its course thats the best way to grow this blessed plant just remember keep it simple green and clean =) if anything it was a lil bit overwatering or too much nutes. just stay positve and everything will b alright.


Active Member
well b thankful yuh caught the problem at a early stage! shows yuh no when your girls arent happy and that what yuh r there for to b mother nature and give them the love and care they want and dont worry bout the yeild and all that shit if yuh just take care of them they will take care of yuh....yknow like BOB says "givie a lil take a lil and thing is alright"