over watering


Active Member
this is goin to sound like a stuipd question but:confused::confused: help i think i have over watered my cutting when they dry out will they be ok or are they no good now


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to cuttings taken as clones? Those are kind of hard to over water with no root system. Can you be more specific, if it is a cutting, what do you have it in? If you say a cup of water, I'ma gonna slap ya.. :) LOL


Active Member
sorry right they are a clone of ak 47 i had them in jiffys but i poted them today and i watered them and i checked them a bit later and some were droppy ??? could there be another problem??????????


try using a cloning gel next time around. works perfect for me. I use it, then stick them in rockwool under a dome till roots develop.


Active Member
yea i had roots every thing was fine i potted them about 1 this afternoon and checked about 8 and they were droppin


prolly just a little shocked from transfering. if you do have roots dont over water them cuz they need oxygen and will rot out.


Active Member
mate i had them all rooted and i put them in coco and warted them and they went droopy i have just checked them and the soil is soakin


Active Member
yea there are in tiny pots with holes in the bottom i have put them under my main light to dry them out


just buy a EZ cloner and you will have to do nothing but fill it up and turn it on, then you will be rooted in 10 days.


Well-Known Member
Do not overreact. It sounds like simple transplant shock. Do NOT place close to lights for next 48 hours. This is just a suggestion. Let them start recovering and showing it before you get them back to strong light.