

New Member
Hello, I am a new grower and think I may have given too much water to my babies. The cuttings I have, the leaves are severely curling down toward its stem. What is the best way to correct the problem?




Well-Known Member
Try getting used to the weight of your container after watering, and what it feels like when it's dry. Don't be afraid to let it dry. Cannabis seems to like the cycles. If you let it dry too much the leaves will droop down (more droopy than "curling down" like overwatering). They bounce back within 30-60 minutes after watering.

I wouldn't go that dry each cycle. I'm just saying you shouldn't be afraid to test the dry limit, just so you get a feel for the container weight when it's too dry.

Container weight is the best way to know when it's time to water.


Well-Known Member
If you're new to growing, be very very very careful when it comes to even thinking about giving nutrients to your plants. Overwatering is one thing and an easy fix. Problems with using nutrients is not quite so easy to fix, I know that wasnt your question but if your new, you'll soon start thinking about it when your babies start to grow up.


New Member

Thank you for your reply. You're very intuitive because I was wondering when to add some nutrients. Since I'm growing in soil I've heard that organic nutrients are best, but I don't really know. Suppose I'll just follow the directions on the bottles for the proper amounts.


Well-Known Member
i have 5 plants (13 days old - planted in 5 gallon nursery pots) , for the first watering i gave each pot a gallon of water each (pH levels of 6-6.5 ish) after watering them i planted my seeds and in 2 days i had sprouts poking out. they are now 13 days old and when watering i give each a half - 3/4 of a gallon of water, and for feedings i give them 1/4 gallon of sensi-grow a and a 1/4 gallon of sensi grow b equalling out to around 3-4 gallons of water for one feeding and closer to 5 gallons of water for waterings. i make my own distilled water by filling my gallon jugs with tap water, leaving the caps off for 3-4 days, then balancing the pH level of the water and re-capping them and leaving them sit in my room until needed. Hope this helps. Its really really really hard to overwater a marijuana plant especially when your 6-7 weeks in. Just let them dry out for 2-3 days (NEVER water them everyday when they search for moisture it deepens and expands the roots, just a tip i got from a local old timer that has never done me wrong) if u can stick ur finger and inch deep without feeling moisture they prolly could use some water / nutes. Let them dry for a few days then go check on them , if it doesnt help post a picture and see if someone can troubleshoot the issue.


Well-Known Member
Suppose I'll just follow the directions on the bottles for the proper amounts.
The rule of thumb is to cut directions in half unless you can find people who use the nutrient at a different strength. Consider that your full-strength, and start with 1/4 of that for young plants.

For a new grower, I recommend GH Flora 3-part because it's pH buffered and helps keep your soil ph stable. If you want to do organic, try GH Flora Nova (2 part). More concentrated and organic'ish.

But, I'd recommend the 3-part first. It uses a 3-2-1 (tsp) in veg, 1-2-3 in flower. You'd cut its schedule in half, using 1.5-1-.5 in veg. (Or, use the so-called "useless" schedule which is a little more fine tuned. See http://forum.growkind.com/showpost.php?p=361263&postcount=1
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