i have 5 plants (13 days old - planted in 5 gallon nursery pots) , for the first watering i gave each pot a gallon of water each (pH levels of 6-6.5 ish) after watering them i planted my seeds and in 2 days i had sprouts poking out. they are now 13 days old and when watering i give each a half - 3/4 of a gallon of water, and for feedings i give them 1/4 gallon of sensi-grow a and a 1/4 gallon of sensi grow b equalling out to around 3-4 gallons of water for one feeding and closer to 5 gallons of water for waterings. i make my own distilled water by filling my gallon jugs with tap water, leaving the caps off for 3-4 days, then balancing the pH level of the water and re-capping them and leaving them sit in my room until needed. Hope this helps. Its really really really hard to overwater a marijuana plant especially when your 6-7 weeks in. Just let them dry out for 2-3 days (NEVER water them everyday when they search for moisture it deepens and expands the roots, just a tip i got from a local old timer that has never done me wrong) if u can stick ur finger and inch deep without feeling moisture they prolly could use some water / nutes. Let them dry for a few days then go check on them , if it doesnt help post a picture and see if someone can troubleshoot the issue.