Overall input on my plant?


Active Member
The Info:
Strain: Unknown, random clone
Soil: cant give too much specific detail to be honest.. Its soil from a lot of places with manure, peat moss, perlite, and some other goodies.
Nutes: Mainly Medi-One 4-3-3, and one very diluted serving of junglejuice bloom w/ micro a few days ago.
This clone came to me pretty late into the grow season but still came out pretty decent. Its been outdoors pretty much all its life, in that pot(10-15 gal, im not positive).

I believe she is about a week and a half into flower. Seemed to start rather late into flower, but after some research it doesnt seem all that crazy for her to flower at this point.

Pic of her:

So generally i think she is pretty healthy and growing strong, but im definitely not the most experienced grower and i needed someone to weigh in on this:
I know it is normal for plants to yellow later on into flower, but is this slow yellowing normal this early? Its not a lot of leaves, and mainly the smaller growth and its not happening at an alarming rate, but Id still like to know. Maybe I need to dose more nitro?

Pic of the leaves:
no sun:

I appreciate any input! I dont wanna make some rookie mistake, mess up my nutes, over dose or something and ruin the whole plant, for all i know im worrying about nothing ;).

ohh ps. pic of the flowa:


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
looks alright to me, doesn't seem to be an abnormal amount of yellowing. i think 4-3-3 is plenty on nitrogen right now. you'll want to start dropping that slowly to about a quarter of that in about 3 weeks or a month, while upping the potassium about double and leaving the phosphorous about the same the whole way through. (so i am told by reliable sources 8) )


Active Member
looks alright to me, doesn't seem to be an abnormal amount of yellowing. i think 4-3-3 is plenty on nitrogen right now. you'll want to start dropping that slowly to about a quarter of that in about 3 weeks or a month, while upping the potassium about double and leaving the phosphorous about the same the whole way through. (so i am told by reliable sources 8) )
Damn okay! Awesome to hear. Another case of over mothering i guess :D. haha. Cheers