Overferted seedlings. Alive, but not growing.


Active Member
10 days ago, I planted 5 germinated seeds into peat pellets and watered thoroughly with water mixed with a schultz 20-20-20 fertilizer and some hydrogen peroxide. I did this because I'm absolutely retarded. Let's move on.

Couple days later, despite my retardation, 4 of them somehow sprouted under my fluorescent lights. They have reached what appears to be their maximum dimensions of 1cm wide x 1 cm long and haven't shown any signs of growing for a good 5 days.

A few days ago, I started replanting the seedlings into brand new peat pellets, and at least one particularly sad looking one definitely showed signs of improvement, it wasn't drooping looking like it wanted to die any more, it actually perked up. But none have grown.

Does anybody have any suggestions for my dumb ass? These are White Dwarf autoflowering seeds, so I know they're supposed to remain on the small side, but not like this!


Active Member
I don't like to bump myself, but this sucks. Plants seem to be alive, but not at all growing.

Once in a while I see one of them jumped out and lying next to the peat pellet. I think they really want to die. Help?
DUDE...the same thing is happening for me..im thinking it is because i am using 2700k light spectrum cfl during veg? idk dude