Overwatered plant?? Wilting leaves and drooping

Soil is half happy frog/ half ocean in a 5 gallon pot. Gave them a gallon of ph 6.4 water with .2ml cal mag. Also using a mars 1000 light in a 2x4 tent. Can anyone tell whats wrong with my panama gold Pre-Teen i just transplanted from the dispensary?
Thanks. Any help appreciated
Could be transplant shock. How long since transplant? Did you disturb root ball? How far away is your light? There lot of guess work with little information.
Could be transplant shock. How long since transplant? Did you disturb root ball? How far away is your light? There lot of guess work with little information.
2 days since transplant. Light is 30 inches away. I dont believe i disturbed root ball. I took it out and put it right in the 5 gallon
That soil comes "hot". You only used ph water and Calmag?
What do you mean by “hot” yeah only ph water and cal mag in 1 gallon water right after i transplanted. Its been 2 days and looks to be getting worse. Should i be giving nutes already?
Fox farms- ocean forest and happy frog both have nutrients already in the soil itself. Was just wondering if possible over fert . My bad, should've been more specific..
Wondering if where you got them,,had them in different soil and now you transplanted into something completely different and now showing signs of shock.
If... if thats whats going on , usually they do recover as long as a shit ton of nuets or overwatering don't occur. I'd maybe tag #transplant or search in the older threads about it. Alot of info on here plus I'm sure someone else will chime in. Best of luck
Personally, I'd let them hangout a couple more days and then see whats going on. Especially since you just watered recently.
I had an over water problem a couple months back and it looks very similar. It’s my first time using LEDs and I find its very easy to overwater, let the pot get dry and light before watering again, and when you do water going forward try less water more frequently.
I had an over water problem a couple months back and it looks very similar. It’s my first time using LEDs and I find its very easy to overwater, let the pot get dry and light before watering again, and when you do water going forward try less water more frequently.
Okay awesome. Thank you!!
@Kremballer9 30 inches from light? I’d re adjust to 30cm unless you want a stretch. I’d recommend leaving until soil is defiantly dry and giving a good feed :) wouldn’t risk watering again if done recently you want to try and achieve a wet-dry cycle.
Also just to double check what ph is going in at the moment and do you ph the run off? If not Please ensure you do this on your next feed so you know if it’s a problem in the ph department as this could also be the issue :)

hope this helps. Happy growing :)
@Kremballer9 30 inches from light? I’d re adjust to 30cm unless you want a stretch. I’d recommend leaving until soil is defiantly dry and giving a good feed :) wouldn’t risk watering again if done recently you want to try and achieve a wet-dry cycle.
Also just to double check what ph is going in at the moment and do you ph the run off? If not Please ensure you do this on your next feed so you know if it’s a problem in the ph department as this could also be the issue :)

hope this helps. Happy growing :)
12inches isnt too close? I thought you want 24”-30” for veg. I was afraid of burning it. Ph was 6.4 going in and never checked run off. Ill do that on next watering cycle
@Kremballer9 unless it’s different for led mate I’ve only ever used hali’s And I can assure you 30cm is perfect for veg. No burn at all on my plants and I’m in week 6 veg :) yea man please measure the ph of the run off. As others have said you could have hot soil which could mean your soil is reducing the ph even more then you think! ph issues can cause all sorts of problems. Including causing a plant to look in your case over watered. How much run off did you get on the last watering? I always aim for around 20% myself