

Well-Known Member
Ok I believe I overwatered my babies, wanted a few other opinions... What do you guys think? They are about 8 days old... I PH my water and no nutes... Here are pics of 2 diff. plants.



Well-Known Member
I dont think so , Your soil looks not so moist. stick your finger in about three inches , do you have drainage holes in your pots? They look good for that many days old. Remeber you want your roots to grow , if the soil is too packed the roots will have extra work to do, also i mainly water closer to the edge of the pot so the roots will reach for water ,
and of course the light and amount of time under lights makes a difference


Something does look a little wrong, is the light drying them out? try misting them for a few days


Well-Known Member
I don't think the lights are drying them out. I am using CFL's and none are above 30 watts. I don't want to mist them and take the chance of them burning under the lights. Yes there are drainage holes in the pots. I plan on transplanting soon (day or two) and adding perlite in with my soil so that should help. I am waiting to transplant so they will be nice and dry and I can give them a good watering once in their new home. They are under 18/6 light with 4 CFL's. 3 are 29 watt soft white, and one is 23 watt daylight.