Overwatering and possible nute deficiency?


New Member
Hey ladies and gents, AFOAF has just gifted SWIM with 2 beauties that they had no space for. The first things I noticed were the drying and dying fan leaves near the bottom on one of them, it sort of looks like a deficiency that was left unresolved. They are also sporting some sturdier fan leaves higher up that have that curl, from the pictures I've seen here it seems like over watering (which is my fault and I will explain why).

I mist a couple times a day, heavily, to get the humidity up to 50-60%, but within an hour or two I'm back down to 10% which is the lowest my devices go. Reducing my exhaust hole size means the box temperatures stay at 29-31 degrees Celsius instead of the 21-26 that it should be, and only marginally improves how long the humidity remains. Should I reduce the misting? Will the ladies handle an arid climate better than being over watered? Should I keep misting to keep the humidity up and water the soil a little less until I reach a happy medium?

Any input will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Humidity is important. That being said, she will def handling being dry better then being soaked. (in my opinion)
You can make a DIY humidifier is you feel it's important enough.

We'll need more info at least though... What feeding schedule, how often do you water? (not mist) What lights are she under? What are the temps? How old is she? What strain is she? What type of water are you using? What nutes?
There are countless factors that, until known to us, could effect the plant.

Did you look at the format for posting a plant problem before posting??? There is a format, that helps us give you the best input possible!

Lastly, those pics aren't very good for telling what's wrong honestly...
You may want a few wider shots. If possible, use the macro mode on your digi cam.

Oh, and there's no need for the afoaf, or sowim here. You're among friends. Although, if it truly was a gift, I would suggest that you ask him what's going on with it before he gave it to you.


Well-Known Member
Plants transpire.

They release moisture via the leaf stomata
This draws more moisture via roots
With it comes nutrient ions

If you soak the leaves constantly it
brings this process to a crawl.

Then the plant is forced to use stored

When those resources are depleted
bad things happen.


Well-Known Member
Don't mist. The ONLY time I have ever sprayed is to apply some pest or mildew management product when the plants were way to big to dip. And I can dip a pretty big plant.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I've been busy with work, but I will get better photos up soon. I will also fill out a template, I did not know there was one!

In the meantime,

For the box itself, I used two rubbermaid bins 20"W x 30"L x 20"H, one flipped upside down on top of the other.

For lighting, I have a fixture (inverted cooking pan) with 4 100w CFLS, three 5000k one 2700k. I have four 2700k ones for flowering. I am currently running 24/0 though I will be shifting to 20/4 once I get a timer.

I have a small, fixed fan (though it swivels up and down), adequate, but will be acquiring one to mount in front of the exhaust hole. Speaking of exhaust, I have 1 exhaust hole in the top corner, 4", and 2 intake holes on the bottom corner of the same size. I figured, go big and I can just adjust with duct tape.

The soil, I am not sure of. Nor when the last feeding took place. We both had a look at it and determined it was a nute deficiency, so I figure it's ok to transplant to a bigger pot with new soil without worrying about the nutes in the soil being overbearing. I am unable to obtain any organic soil, pretty much limited to Miracle Grow and starter/seedling soil (with no nutes). I know the MG stuff has slow release nutes which are a no no, but I was wondering if it would be ok to mix like 2 or 3 parts potting soil to 1 part starter soil to sort of dilute it?

That's all I can think of right now, but I will look at the template and add more pictures/info when I have more time. Thanks again!


Active Member
yeah don't use miracle gro, has a bunch of shit you don't want in your plants.

not to mention it has a high PH and slow-release ferts so it's hard to balance your PH out and your plants will hate you for it :cry:


Well-Known Member
A number of people have had good results with it. I recently transplanted into it after some serious soil issues (due to the fact I had nothing else available to me) and it's doing ok. I used it one of my last grows and aside from a little nute burn on a couple leaves in the beginning of the grow, it worked great for me.
Everyone jumps on the miracle grow hating committee, and i'll admit, it's not at all ideal, but it can be used with generally decent results.
It's no good for sprouts, but these aren't sprouts.


I wont even go into the MG with you I am currently in the process of saving a MG grow and the first thing I did was get them in some HP. The ladies thanked me immediately. If you need to save $ perlite or coco are cheap fillers that your plant will enjoy much more than MG because they will be able to breath. IMO


New Member
I had to go with MG, as I have nothing else to choose from for another 3-6 weeks. These babies needed to move now. I will hopefully be replanting in 5 gallon pots with some better, healthier soil within the next month.

Is it possible to leach the nutes out of the MG? Or does the slow release formula prevent that. Sort of like, leach the soil and fertilize with some organic fert?