Overwatering issue on 1 female


Active Member
Hows it going , i went on vacation and left a watering/feeding schedule for my friend to follow , of course the dude didnt follow shit lol , im dealing with all females which are looking great , but 1 i guess hes been watered like crazy , the soil is soaked and the leaves are completly limped over , i am worried because it is the 2nd week flowering , is there anyway this plant will recover or is it pretty much a goner. i am not gonna water it for the next 4-5 days and hopefully it will come around , if anybody has any info at all on this problem please let me know ...

thaks for your time


Well-Known Member
thats a pisser eh? just cant depend of folks can you. well, i really dont know much to do other than wait. if you religous maybe you could pray for em? or go down to your local butcher shop and get a fatty chuck of meat, wrap it up in an old shirt, go outside and burn it making a double offering to Ceres and Bacchus to sway them to help your plant. maybe someone else knows something more to do but good luck with it, id hate to see some dildo fudge up your harvest.
