oxy pot dwc blue cheese & the church


new grow started 3 x Blue cheese and 5x the church grow
3x4x5.9 grow room

4” budda smell stopper carbon filter
Tt100 extractor fan
16” oncilation fan
250w cfl (only half working) veg and flowering
250w hps for veg than swictching to a 400w hps bulb
Ph meter pen
4 home made dwc 20l oxypot, plus 4 10l pots using coco

Nutes and feeds:
Canna aqua vega A&b
Canna aqua flower A&B
Canna coco A&B(left over from a previous grow:lol:)
Pk 13/14
Ph down

On the oxy pots I have 3 x cheese and 1 church than on the sides I have another 4 church cuttings, on the oxy pots im using canna aqua nutes and on the coco im using the coco nutes I got left over.
To start of am only using ¼ strength nutrients for the first week or so till I see more root formation, ph is kept from 5.7 to 6.1 I set it to 5.8 but it rises up the first few hours so I reset it and it than stays at it for a few days within the recommended level of 5.5 to 6.2 even though I never allow it to go past 6.1 or lower than 5.7.



wuts up kellypinto? what do you actually want to know about dwc. this is my frist grow using this system and so far is working perfect but i did alot of research about it and built my own system from scratch..


any body out there that could give me any advise as this is my frist oxypot grow.
today i will be putting the water lever on the sides of the buckets.


quick update just got a new ppm meter today and root and plant growth is really taking off now, i also removed the church cutting i had on one of the oxypots and i replace it with another blue cheese cutting :) i will post sum pic soon


Active Member
Hey im 4 weeks into vedge on my first oxypot adventure and iv already had a huge learning curve. Make sure your rez water temps in the buckets no higher than 71ish as i didnt keep mine in order and was hitting 80f lights on in afternoon with 18/6. My roots were lovely and white one day then bam brown, snotty potato smelling roots! I was nearly ready to give up with using oxyplus etc everyday but to no effect and roots were getting worse. I then read up on beneficials and tried that before having to start again and in 12hrs i had new pearly white root growth. Check my thread "are my roots ok" . I used vitalinks biopac and cannazyme so if you got high tems in your rez get onto the beneficials asap.. I also added frozen water bottles twice a day to lower tems 1 light on and 1 lights off worked a treat. 1 litre bottles is enough well for me anyway


goldenbrown thanks for the advice i will keep my eye on the res temp, im allready using cannazyme and atazyme i use both at the same time but in smaller doses, so far the root are loving it as they getting longer and thicker i will post sum pic sumtime today or tomorrow, and also will you be using vitalink buddy for boost?


blue cheese pics i just took the third pic is the water lever that i just did it. so what do you guys think of the grow?


wuts up everyone?. yesterday i dicided to due a res top up insted ov a total new mix so i added nutrient to 10l ov water plus allthe additives and checked ph 5.9 and ppm 650.and i top p each individual bucket with about 2l each every thing was ok till 4 hours later i checked the plants and they all droped, it was late at nite so i dicided frist thing in morning i would do a res change to my suprise this morning i went to check the ladies preparing for the worst and when i looked they was all stood up just as normal again, should i still go ahead and change the res or just leave it as it is, and anybody know why this happend so i wont make the same mistake again..


not much interest in these post but im going to keep on posting, plants are now 4 days into flowereing i also supercrop them they are getting bigger and bigger, frist day of flowering i flushed the buckets(easier said than done lol) and added the canna flores at 1/2 strentgh ppm was about 700 so yesterday i did a lil top up on nutes and now they at arround 850ppm and plant are seen to be thriving on it. will post sum pic soon


hey blaze your plant are looking nice.iv an oxy pot sitting doing nothing as I really have no clue on how to run it iv only ever grow in soil and hydro seems to me to be a lot more chemistry and gadgets than I'm used to.il keep an eye on your grow and maybe take the plunge next time.keep up the good work.peace


wuts up kalika? this grow is now out the way and it was my frist but the end product has been so far my best crop, really compact and fat buds
i never had a grow in hydro but i think it was easier than i expected, offcourse i had 1 or 2 set backs but nothing major
like when my ph meter broke and i could check my ph for more than a week, apart from that it went smooth, i now built my on rdwc system using the oxy pots than i had
i will start a new journal soon. if you still got your oxy pot why not give it a try, you only need a few bits and bobs to get it started


Hi there liked your post.I'm just about to have a go with 5 oxy pots got all the the right equipment and have read up loads and i've grown other ways aswell.This is the bit i'm unsure about WHAT IS THE EC,IE HOW DO I WORK BLUE TRUNCHEON,what is it for and is it really important.I think it measures the strenth of the nutes,is that right?And if so how do i know what strength nutes i should be giving?And how does it work?Everything else im fine with just very puzzled with this .Any help on this would be well appreciated.


treated my self to a oxypot a few weeks back,i washed all the soil off my outdoor babys roots its about 4 months old and was tiny but now its getting bigger by the day.ill sub this thread and start a journal im in my 2nd day of 12/12 at the moment.