oxygenated water for soil grow.


Active Member
Just really curious. I have a plant in my tent that is basically full soil. I run out of perlite when potting them up so just left it all soil.

Curious to know if i used a dwc setup with airstone and dissolved oxygen into the water. Before waterings Would this help get oxygen to the roots as now after numerous waterings there will be little to no airgaps in the soil..it is basically a solid lump....
Cant find anything on it. Probably because i have no idea how to capture what im saying into a search bar.

Any help great...


Well-Known Member
In my opinion in theory and fact you are adding oxygen to the water. In application, I doubt you are making any discernible difference to the growth. The soil will drain off and be at "field capacity" for the soil, and gaseous oxygen is then available in the soil spaces, or voids. Most peat and organic soils have plenty of air space but I always make sure there is plenty of verm and/or perlite.


Active Member
Ah well nevermind....shes still fine just a noticable difference in statuer, she if far more stumpy compared to ones with perlite in.
I have the dwc equipment sat there so might do a little experimenting on her.
Maybe if i let her dry out a little more than others.


Well-Known Member
Yes... aerating ur water prior to watering plants in soil does provide oxygen to roots. Adding perlite to soil creates small air pockets and better drainage. When water passes thru these small pockets and exits, it sucks fresh oxygen into these pockets providing soil/roots with oxygen. If you dont have good drainage or lack perlite in your soil you can always aerate you water prior to feeding your plants.


Active Member
Thanks man. Thats the answer i was looking for. I have 3 plants with plenty of perlite and one with virtually none.

Really hope this works....do you think aerating the water and using it on a soil grow with perlite in would have many benefits. I know it wont harm but would the roots be getting sufficient oxygen from the gaps and spaces created by the perlite r would more oxygen boost growth. Like in dwc and aeroponics where the roots can absorb as much oxygen as possible.


Well-Known Member
I haven't added perlite to my soil in years. I like the stuff but it's completely optional in my book. Good potting soil is breathable as-is. However I still shake water every time to aerate. When I first started growing cannabis I tried all sorts of experimenting. Now I do the absolute minimum and keep cost down, and as a result of that plus experience I'm doing a lot better. Lately its been corn that's driving me crazy. Cannabis is so forgiving compared to other crops.


Well-Known Member
I often shake the bottle I give my nutrient solution to my girls in. I like to believe it adds oxygen and therefore helps the plants. I am also a silly sod! ;-)

I am going to try using some of those oxygen stones to make some guano tea for my next flowering, really no idea if it will make a difference, but it feel like it's spoiling my girls - so to me it's worth it. :-)


Active Member
Its one of the great things about growing. Experimenting....hope it goes well for ya.
Im definatly going to run with this. Sure its bin before but thats boring.


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest trying a Smart Pot next to your regular pots. I use RO water and do not oxygenate the water at all before I use it, and the difference in rootballs from the plastic pots to the fabric pots in unreal!

I used to grow in 5 gal square buckets (old kitty litter pails) with good results. I now grow in 3 gal square Smart Pots with better rusults. The fabric adds A LOT of the needed air to your roots and also "air prunes" the roots when they reach the edge of the pot instead of letting them wrap around and circle the pot. You do have to water slightly more frequently, but the comparison in the rootballs and overall plant vigor is rediculous. Try just one in your next grow, and I think you'll be impressed!


Active Member
Diggin that is something i will definatly look into....never heard of these before. Makes total sence.

but for this current plant i am looking for a way to get oxygen down into a solid mass of soil...ive started oxygenating some water now so see how it goes...prob wont make much difference but think it will help.