Ozone Generator for sale


Well-Known Member
Hows it going guys. I got a Ozone Generator for sale. I was looking to get $300 for it, I only had it for a few grows but I have to stop for the mean time. So with that said I paid $600.00 for it. It's a Zontec PA 600. This thing will deodorize a room in a about 20 mins at Max. It's a larger unit mainly used for hotels and such but the size of a mens shoe box. It's a top notch unit not the crap you see at home depot. But with that said you can turn it down to fit the room. It has a timer on it to running for a few minutes, few hours all the way to 24/7 and how much Ozone you want to put out.
Here's a link, scroll down to find the pa 600. Hit me up it your interested. I can put photo's up if you want! Only going to sell in the U.S due to shipping cost.

If anyone it interested you can send me a best offer if you want. Nothing low ball thought, and I'll think about it!