Ozone Generator/Grow Box Within Room/Advice


Active Member
Hi everybody! I am creating a grow box within a 9X11 room. Box is a big rubbermaid trash can storage thingy that'll hold 2 big trash cans on wheels, approx 45sq ft interior space. Insulated and mylared with 2 65W/6500k cfl's for vegging and will switch to 2700k for flower. Im thinking I can grow 4 maybe 6, I dunno, in there. I have air going in and a vent cut to mount a fan to blow air out. I have been given a UVO3nair ozone generator. I've been reading previous posts on the subject and my question isnt answered. I was planning to just run the ozone gen. in the room to control smell, not in the box itself. Is this potentially going to compromise my plants? The person who gave it to me had it in his grow room with no problems. I just dont know enough about it and yes I did read the warnings about the dangers of ozone. I can have zippo, nada smell. None. I am stuck on how to vent out of the room itself without cutting a hole in the floor. I dont want to do permanant stuff to the house especially goofy stuff like holes in the floor. Any thoughts? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ozone generator in room is fine, no problems unless you feel like your lungs are burning, then its too much. You need way more light than 2x65watt, thats enough for 1 small plant, not for 4-6 plants. you want 400-600 watts of light in there to get good results.


Active Member
Adding lights is not a problem. Light bulbs I got. Venting the beast is a problem cause again it cant stink. Ok so how do you know when you have too much ozone? When you can smell it? Also the air going into the box is from the same space any issues with that? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
if your going to play with that stuff and aren`t familiar with it i would recomend getting a meter to tell the ppm in the room.
i dont use them so you need to find what the safe levels are for humans to breath. be safe