Ozone to CO2?


Active Member
I was doing some reading while medicated on ozone the other day and found something interesting that got the wheels spinning. I was lighting a candle before a bowl and I thought about the soot that candles put out. On the wikipedia page for ozone I saw a reaction for o3 converting to co2: Ozone reacts with carbon to form carbon dioxide, even at room temperature: C + 2 O3 → CO2 + 2 O2 I know it's not safe having a candle unattended, especially in the grow room, but I was wondering if anyone knows if this is a viable method to produce co2 or not. I don't have a co2 ppm meter so I can't experiment myself.


Well-Known Member
Nope...NOT safe, A candle doesn't produce sufficient co2 to be viable. As to co2 ppm..good luck, those sucker are $500 easy. I've found a few components and am putting together a less expensive version..I'l post when I get it done. The major piece is cheap enough, but the dealer wants me to buy 100 of them...not yet though..still $150 each.


Active Member
I know it's not safe. I know a single candle doesn't produce much co2. But, per the reaction I posted, I was wondering how much of the carbon from the candle soot would get converted to co2 in the presence of high concentrations of ozone. This is all theoretical, I was just curious about the chemical reaction of carbon to co2 and how much it would create. If the reaction is shown to produce enough co2 to be viable for a small op, a system could be designed that is safe instead of putting a candle next to my ozone gen.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha..A better option is sugar..yeast..water. Go to my pics, you'll see 2 2 litre bottles with tubes..Good co2 gen for small grow..Lasts about a week.


Active Member
Another thought, instead of the candle I could pass the ozoneated air through a carbon filter and create co2. I really wish I had a meter to see if this is worth experimenting with.


Active Member
Gotcha..A better option is sugar..yeast..water. Go to my pics, you'll see 2 2 litre bottles with tubes..Good co2 gen for small grow..Lasts about a week.
I have 2 gallon milk jugs filled with sugar/yeast mix. The only problems with that are the low volume, I can' turn it off at night, gotta remix a batch every week, mold spores or whatever yeast is floating around. I figured a continuous system using just electricity would be cheap and easy to control.


Well-Known Member
Another thought, instead of the candle I could pass the ozoneated air through a carbon filter and create co2. I really wish I had a meter to see if this is worth experimenting with.
Planetnatural.com has a teat kit for$15 and 10 replacement tubes for $36 extra. They work nicely.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 gallon milk jugs filled with sugar/yeast mix. The only problems with that are the low volume, I can' turn it off at night, gotta remix a batch every week, mold spores or whatever yeast is floating around. I figured a continuous system using just electricity would be cheap and easy to control.
That's what I've conclued as well. If you'd like, I'll let you know the cheapest system available. I'm working on a system that will monitor co2 then shut off fans when co2 is being released. Should have it dialed in within he week.


Active Member
Yeah I'd like to know what kind of system you come up with for monitoring co2. I haven't looked into digital co2 monitors yet, I'd like to but I don't have the money to build/buy one so I'm I'm not going to bother looking yet. I was kind of hoping there was someone on here that had the required equipment and wanted to test it or know if it actually works. I think the theory is sound, make ozone and pass it thorough a carbon filter. According to wikipedia, one molecule of o3 combines with one carbon atom to make 1 co2 and 2 o2 (diatomic oxygen, the most stable form of oxygen). So you get more oxygen than co2, would this be bad to have increased oxygen levels along with co2?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd like to know what kind of system you come up with for monitoring co2. I haven't looked into digital co2 monitors yet, I'd like to but I don't have the money to build/buy one so I'm I'm not going to bother looking yet. I was kind of hoping there was someone on here that had the required equipment and wanted to test it or know if it actually works. I think the theory is sound, make ozone and pass it thorough a carbon filter. According to wikipedia, one molecule of o3 combines with one carbon atom to make 1 co2 and 2 o2 (diatomic oxygen, the most stable form of oxygen). So you get more oxygen than co2, would this be bad to have increased oxygen levels along with co2?
Neutral..Plants use some o2 at the roots but more co2. As for D CO2 meters..Forget it as the cheapest is $500 Better to get a test kit and monitor weekly.
The valve setup is $155 from pn. Haven't priced the tanks yet though. The way to get the tanks filled is to ,indicate that it's for a saltwater aquarium as coral neds LOTS of CO2.. I should know shortly about the components for an auto system..


Active Member
I was looking for a system with not much added cost. I already have a homemade ozone gen., if all I had to do was put it in a box and vent it through a carbon filter it would be cheap I just don't know the volume produced. My ozone gen. is powerful, to powerful, i can smell it trough the whole house within 15 mins. You could always go to a welding supply store and get co2 for welding probably cheaper than an aquarium shop. We have a praxair in town, I just didn't want to invest the $500 or so to get a tank setup, yet.


Well-Known Member
I was looking for a system with not much added cost. I already have a homemade ozone gen., if all I had to do was put it in a box and vent it through a carbon filter it would be cheap I just don't know the volume produced. My ozone gen. is powerful, to powerful, i can smell it trough the whole house within 15 mins. You could always go to a welding supply store and get co2 for welding probably cheaper than an aquarium shop. We have a praxair in town, I just didn't want to invest the $500 or so to get a tank setup, yet.
For carbon try airreactor.com or activatedcharcoal.com..both good sourses
tank setup is less than that reulato $155..I'm calling on tanks today. Welding supplies are cheaper, but no use for CO@ in welding, just say for fish.


Active Member
thats still over $300, about $280 more that I want to spend right now. They still use co2 as a sheilding gas, i think it's mostly in mig. Besides, I wouldn't tell them what it was for, they don't need to know anything more than I want co2.


Well-Known Member
Ah..that's what it's used for..Well , learned something new.. When I need welding..I use the phone..Hello James...I need your welding*lol* I don't get burned that way*s*. Airreactor has a fan ac filter in one unit $40 Mine has lasted 2 years without needing to be replaced (charcoal).. Would that work with you O gen?


Active Member
Ah..that's what it's used for..Well , learned something new.. When I need welding..I use the phone..Hello James...I need your welding*lol* I don't get burned that way*s*. Airreactor has a fan ac filter in one unit $40 Mine has lasted 2 years without needing to be replaced (charcoal).. Would that work with you O gen?
The airreactor products would work but I would just make my own. Plenty of good posts on here about building your own for about $20. I like to make stuff myself, it usually saves alot of money. I just need to figure out how much it makes. I'll have to order those co2 test kit some time. I wonder if any local stores would carry something like that.


Well-Known Member
I would have built my own, but it was case of "OH SHIT" too hot.. So I called...3 days later they were here and installed..plus they came with the charcoal. surpluscenter.com has a great selection of fans and blowers.