Packaging-Shipping / aerogarden/nutrients


Active Member
I am interested in purchasing an Aerogarden which I will be ordering from the manufacturer. I am slightly concerned about what may be said on the packaging. Little worried about the Aerogarden but more worried regarding the FoxFarm nutrients I want to order. Most websites I find have "hydro" or something to that nature in their company name and I assume they are going to put that on the packaging.

I really want to order this stuff but i have no idea how to go about this. My main problem is I live in an apartment complex and if im not at home to accept the package it may go to the office which would be bad and allure suspicion.

Any tips on packaging or odering this Aerogarden / Nutrients?



Well-Known Member
well as far as the aerogarden goes u can but it online at target .com or at your closest target. that won't raise any eyebrows i ordered mine and used my credit card. but i don't know about the nutrients because i used the ones that came with my aerogarden.:peace:


Active Member
SO, i finally bought my aerogarden and my nutrients.....the easiest way for me to do so and be inconspicuous at least somewhat was to buy my nutrients on an auction website and and asked the sender to use plain packaging. Most hydroponic supply places put there name in the address and that was my main concern. Also bought my aerogarden from I got free giftwrapping thinking that they would not put aerogarden on the box but they still put aerogarden on the label. It shipped to the office of my apt complex and there has not been any concern from any staff for the last few months ive had it. Now to start my newb "garden". muahahahha, seeds are in process of sprouting woo hoo.


For future reference, Amazon ships just about everything in plain brown boxes. My aerogarden was shipped from them in a plain brown box.


Well-Known Member
if you have a backyard or something, you may be able to tell the ups/fedex/package guy to "leave it in the backyard", as long as it doesnt require signature/confirmation or anything like that...
(just write it in the comments section when you order, or something)