I like beakers and funnel bowls. anything a bottl brush will reach every corner of and clean in 5 mins. detachable stems. icee icee bbyyy
anything else is not for me in terms of perks and etc, its smoke, it needs to get absorbed asap or it loses its guuds. some are worth a buy, the freezz pipes sound interesting. just pop in freezer instead of managing ice.
one ft is nice, to me thats a nice way to inhale a smooth hit, but thats it. i agree with small bowls for these types or w.e can be gone in 1 or 2 rips. i find taller standing ones or wider chambered ones are good for “maximum rip.”
zongz are cool too. i found these funnel bowls that changed my mind on bongs all over agin, bigger opening, bigger rips that dont clog and lasts longer before dumping in iso. a shitty smoking bowl ruins it all imo.
to answer op question, i found myself using scoops sometimes of any sort to make it more cleanly if its finely grinded up, no weed mess but also not dropping contaminents into it. or i just keep the area of use very clean so u can pick back up. i use a box with a tray in it so left overs stay clean to smoke later. learning to keep it over a tray lol.