Paint ?


Active Member
Been lookin for matte paint for my grow boxes. Found flat paint but only one matte paint and it's a spraycan variety. BUT, it's metallic silver. My limited understanding of light and reflection tells me that this might be a very good paint to use. Anyone ever use any paint other than white?


Active Member
white paint all the way dude or if you can afford it in your budget try and get mylar sheeting to cover your grow Walls metallic spray paint will not give the desired affect that your looking for


Active Member
white paint all the way dude or if you can afford it in your budget try and get mylar sheeting to cover your grow Walls metallic spray paint will not give the desired affect that your looking for
Thanks! I've spent hundreds of dollars on this grow so far and it's going great. I have 2 easyryder 2 plants and 3 blue widows, all from seed. Exactly one week since they sprouted and I just moved them into my permanent grow space yesterday. All I need to do is rip down the tin foil and paint it. Like I said before, I can't find matte paint, not tryin to have any mixed to save money. So, is flat ok? and should it be brushed on, not the rattlecan variety?


Active Member
Flat is good and yeah brush or roller to put it on but like I said Mylar is best if you can get it and get tin foil well away cos it can focus the reflected light like a laser on to the plants which ain't good


Active Member
I'll try and get pics up soon. One of my little ER2 ladies is mutated and started with 3 leaves. Cool looking but heard it will probably grow slower than the others. Oh well right? lol.


Active Member
i had one of my rhinos have its first baby leaves munched by some little fucker when they where on my window sill so it was just a stalk but i stayed with it and she is flowering nicely not as big as the rest but still gonna give me some lovely buds so i would stress if they look a little weird


Active Member
I just want enough yeild to last until next harvest. Thinking about vegging this one for a month longer than they others since she is so much smaller. This is all new to me and I'm really having a blast growing my own. Glad to hear your lady made a complete recovery, damn bugs anyway.....


Well-Known Member
Dude , go to Home Depot and tell them you need cheap flat white paint to repaint your closets at home. Cheap rental white.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a paint pro, or anything, but I'm pretty sure that 'flat' and 'matte' are the same thing. The flat white should work great, if ya can't get your hands on some mylar.


bud bootlegger
and i don't see what difference it would make if it comes from a can like spray paint or if you rolled or brushed it on personally.. might take a few extra coats of spray paint, but it should still end up the same..
if using spray paint, just remember to do it in lighter coats and do more coats instead of trying to cover it all in one single coat as this will cause runs and drips, which you don't really want.. less is more when it comes to spray paint..


Active Member
and i don't see what difference it would make if it comes from a can like spray paint or if you rolled or brushed it on personally.. might take a few extra coats of spray paint, but it should still end up the same..
if using spray paint, just remember to do it in lighter coats and do more coats instead of trying to cover it all in one single coat as this will cause runs and drips, which you don't really want.. less is more when it comes to spray paint..
Work + cost? Flat white or $2 emergency blankets are as far as I'm willing to go for ambient light. Popcorn buds are all it's good for. Think about it, if a 600w penetrates even 18", how effective is it shining off the walls of your growroom? Minimal at best, certainly not worth going out of your way to spray paint an entire closet, LOL. I've always looked at mylar and white paint as aesthetic more than productive.


Well-Known Member
Work + cost? Flat white or $2 emergency blankets are as far as I'm willing to go for ambient light. Popcorn buds are all it's good for. Think about it, if a 600w penetrates even 18", how effective is it shining off the walls of your growroom? Minimal at best, certainly not worth going out of your way to spray paint an entire closet, LOL. I've always looked at mylar and white paint as aesthetic more than productive.
Exactly. That's why i always get a chuckle, when people worry about 'hotspots' from reflected light, especially when using fluoros. Their light is so weak after travelling and bouncing off a wall, that I bet they couldn't burn them if the purposely tried.


bud bootlegger
Work + cost? Flat white or $2 emergency blankets are as far as I'm willing to go for ambient light. Popcorn buds are all it's good for. Think about it, if a 600w penetrates even 18", how effective is it shining off the walls of your growroom? Minimal at best, certainly not worth going out of your way to spray paint an entire closet, LOL. I've always looked at mylar and white paint as aesthetic more than productive.
you should read a post by uncle ben i do believe it was from if it's still up on here about reflected light, very good read for sure..


Active Member
I picked up a can of flat white from walmart. My grow space isn't in my closet anymore. I found a huge armoire thing on craigslist cheap and it's perfect for growing. Currently working on getting it setup and ready to grow.