Pakistan Ryder Autoflower


Well-Known Member
they were bred to hunt rats
there's some big rats
out there in redwing territory
had a blast in Upper a few years back


Active Member
Can I do 12/12? My girlfriend got a kitten so now my auto is in the same closet at my flowering plants.
I turned off her lights with the hps, is that ok?
The giant chihuahua is not pleased with the kitten.


Well-Known Member
lol @ giant chihuahua
ya it just cuts yield down you should still get ok results they really should flower under any lighting if the genetics are stable enough
im actually growing 2 afghan kush ryders there a few days to a week ahead of yours was goin to compare
ive grown them out before but it was when i was getting crappy results had no idea what i was doin when i started with auto's there a whole nother ballpark then photo's


Active Member
Day 5 of 12/12
The first leaves came in fat but the second set are so skinny.
But I'm liking this auto, she moves fast.
This is where my other plant is at
She is samsara el alquimista week 6 of flowering


Active Member
Day 11

She is looking great.
My girlfriend has named her Samara.

On the fence about using nutes yet, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
i usually wait until preflower /3 weeks/ 3-5 nodes usually around the same time
to start veg nutes
but to each there own
there should be enough nutes in the soil for a few weeks of growth
after seeing samsara im wondering why your asking about nutes seems like you have that down lol :weed:


Active Member
Haha thanks I'm just curious cause this is my first auto and people say they need different nute applications


Well-Known Member
ya id give it to preflower before you really start with the nutes its safe to give tiny doses at this point
looks good brother
lol every time i see your sig i laugh
i have chinchilla's
and it always pops in my head when im baked that i just saw " i have a 53 pound chinchilla "