Paper Bag Method Outdoors?


Yo, hoping some people could give me some input on this.

The way it is looking right now, I am not going to have a house that i can dry in and with harvest season coming up, I have been racking my brain for ideas of how to dry my herb. I have read up on drying in paper bags, and that sounds fine. Do you guys think it would work to have a bunch of paper bags with bud drying in them suspended or something under a tarp/tent of some sort outside (in woods or somewhere safe)? The only issue i can really think of with this would be humidity, however I don't think humidity in the fall in Ohio would be a huge issue. Thoughts? :peace:


Active Member
If you can transport large amounts of fresh water (depending on how much you got) You could always do a water cure, no mold due to humidity or anything, just hang em up when they are done on a warmer day under a tarp or something with a breeze and you should be good to go, they generally dry up much quicker then air drying