Parallel universe theory and dreams


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow stoners, i just thought you might enjoy a mind boggling theory i have came up with. First of all, for those who dont know what the parallel universe theory is, It has to do alot with quantum phyiscs, and it basically states that
To Everett, measuring a quantum object does not force it into one comprehensible state or another. Instead, a measurement taken of a quantum object causes an actual split in the universe. The universe is literally duplicated, splitting into one universe for each possible outcome from the measurement. For example, say an object's wave function is both a particle and a wave. When a physicist measures the particle, there are two possible outcomes: It will either be measured as a particle or a wave. This distinction makes Everett's Many-Worlds theory a competitor of the Copenhagen interpretation as an explanation for quantum mechanics.
When a physicist measures the object, the universe splits into two distinct universes to accommodate each of the possible outcomes. So a scientist in one universe finds that the object has been measured in wave form. The same scientist in the other universe measures the object as a particle. This also explains how one particle can be measured in more than one state.

This means that if you have ever found yourself in a situation where death was a possible outcome, then in a universe parallel to ours, you are dead. This is just one reason that some find the Many-Worlds interpretation disturbing.
So i think that there is other universes being created by different outcomes all the time, I believe that dreams are portals to other universes, ever had dreams that made no sense at all, some dreams may show glimpses into other universes. So what do u guys think about that? happy toking :bigjoint:
Actualy I have a sligthly diffirent take on this in that we are allready living in diffirent universes where things are as varied as the perceptions of the poeple experiencing it.

But on a diffirent level, especialy considering the persistant dreamworld I seem to go to, the second part of your post rang very close to what my instincts say is possibly happening.
In the universes you are alive in you would have no idea that you died. So you would just go on describing as if nothing ever happened.

‘One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.’- Alphonse Bertillon
When I take Cannabis orally in the form of Bhang, and begin writing my trip report, I feel as if my consciousness has entered a parallel world and I am trying to communicate with my 'normal' consciousness/self who will be reading the report once the effects of Cannabis wear off. For details please visit my blog:
Dude u watch that show Fringe too much, Lolz. And does that mean some wacko somewhere in some parallel universe actually succeeded in opening a portal to some psycho dimension like in "Event Horizion" and let evil into our world like when Pandora opened her box, no pun intended if there r any chicks named Pandora reading this.