

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone; well, I finally tried my first cured bud and it totally paralyzed me. I had plans to do all types of chores and projects around the house but that all went away. I made the mistake of ripping 2 huge bong hits back to back. I got so high that it actually scared me!!! Lesson learned! It was my first grow and it exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to everyone for your advice.
lol, ever been so high you forgot how to speak???? funny as, i got up to leave and couldent find the words to say, thousands going through my mind, but couldent find the right words for the ocassion lmao. the long walk home was fun too, so many flowers in so many gardens :D
what id like to know is how long it took me to get home and just hoew intamate i got with all the gardens i passed on the way home, i just remember a blurr of colours, im sure i visated a few gardens on the way home to apreciale all the butifull flowers. lol
i didn't even bother with food when i got back home, my head was in the mood for music i was told