parking on the side of the road?


Active Member
I located a great forest area out in the country a little while away from me.. but in the whole area surrounding the forest is peoples homes bordering it.. except for one spot where a farmers market road runs through. Is it a bad idea to just park on the side of the road?

It is one of the few cut throughs in the forested area so it is fairly heavily traveled during the day. I also drive a car that might draw attention.. sports car.. people just think i stalled on the side of the road? Was thinking i could just wait till no ones coming and hop the rail into the forest.

Haven't even gone to explore the woods yet cus ive been worried that some cop would come investigate why someone parked and went into the woods :-?

Any input welcome.. never grown outdoors before, just been searching for a spot..


Active Member
Well.. two things on the bike.. one its a long ass way, im not riding my bike 10 miles each way twice a week for watering ;p

And two.. the much more important one.. someone on a bike has no rights to privacy.. you can be searched with absolutely no reason. So me riding a bike with a back pack full of clones is a serious no no..


Undercover Mod
Do you have a dog? Take it for a walk lol. I saw a bike chained to a tree in the middle of nowhere today lol. Wonder what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Why would you get searched for riding a country road with a backpack? As for the 10 miles each way, guerilla grows kind of have to do what they need to do to pull it off, try to find a different place that's closer.


Active Member
Man where i live they will search you purely for existing if they can find a reason... cops having nothing to do here but harass people. I live in surburbia.. there is no crime here..

This is the nearest area that has tree's that are dense enough and cover a large enough area that i could grow inside without being seen from the edge's.


Park your car, then put a note on it saying your out hiking wont be back til the end of the day.

If you do that no one will wonder what your doing, and you have the perfect excuse.


Well-Known Member
I live in the same type of place, $250 fines for flicking a cigarette butt. But still... people getting exercise is by no means shady looking. Don't ride your bike decked out in camo or some shit, just wear mesh shorts and a t-shirt or something.


Well-Known Member
'Hiking'? Hiking doing what? Too shady, license plate is probably the only worst thing against you aside from them finding you at your plot.


Well-Known Member
i live out in the woods and it doesn't take the cops long at all to come and help the stranded motorist. i'd be scared to park if i was dirty, have a friend drop you within walking distance.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I was going to say....have someone drop you off and pick you up at an appointed time.


Well-Known Member
I grow mine in the farmers fields an i had to find places to pull my truck into so it wouldnt be vissible from the road or any houses.
I scouted most of last year in order to find my grow spots for this year.


Well-Known Member
Man that is a hard one. Avoiding detection is hard these days, but not telling one isn't, don't tell anyone, so stop thinking about getting dropped off, that just won't due. I had a friend tell me once, the only way to get away with growing is believing yourself that you are not growing, sounds funny, I know. You have to become a hiker, be bright, buy the gear, get into it, the growing part is just a side bar, like the ole' saying, "always have a reason to be where you are". Go as far as actually talking to the police, maybe even call them and let them know what you are about, a hiker. I used to drive truck over the road, and they would force us to sit for thirty six hours to reset our logs (i think 36 hrs) anyway the point is most truckers assumed the cops hated them, and would end up in these dirty ass truck stops that smelled like piss to reset there logs. Well not me I would actually call the local police station and tell them what I had to do, would drop my trailer after talking to them, letting them know what I was up to, and drive into a nice park and hang out. Cops it seems to me can be lazy, (just like me) by nature, and really appreciate knowing what is going on in there respective area. Now I know your shaking your head, thinking this guy is off his rocker, it would be easy for them to connect you to the weed, if they found it, but just as easy as you saying the cops new I was there. Plausible denial, remember you will actually be hiking. One thing to remember is just don't grow over ten plants in one area. Don't be a stoner while growing the weed, get rid of the dingy shirt, shoes and pants, buy some gay hiking shit and beat them at there own game, really. You know before Desert Storm we had people in county before we invaded, how much to you want to bet those soldiers looked very local. And who knows maybe you can even make some yuppie hiker friend along the way lol, actually don't laugh, some of the older ladies I walk my dog with are my best clients, now you can laugh, its true. I personally would not consider it a valid GG if my reason for being there wasn't iron clad. Good luck, and think out of the box.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Me to. The problem I have had lately with my Yellow Lab is he is way to friendly, scares the shit out of people, popping out of know where waging his tail, so when I actually have to work on a site I won't bring him, he tries to invite people over lol. But talk about a great defuser, takes people right off there apprehension of meeting someone in the woods, a great big yellow lab waging his tail like crazy, people just love it, after the initial holly shit. I have met a lot of people in the woods walking my dog, and that is another reason it is hard to actually bust someone growing off trail in the woods. Do we accuse all dog walkers of growing, is everyone suspect, especially with less than ten plants. Have a reason to be there, and be happy, introduce yourself make friends. I have found most people are stoners just trying to get out lol... Oh here is a funny story. I was tending some of my Ak's, and NY Diesels, I usually get to by Kayak. So I am there putting around when I here gun shots, and I am like fuck! hunting season is over, and I have my dog, thinking he will dash out and get his ass shot, his vest is not on thought hunting season was over, no actually new hunting season was over, so the fucks are poachers, and poachers can mean rippers. So now I got to keep my dog quite, and hide at the same time, I am like fuck fuck fuck!!! After awhile the shots stop, and I finish up my work, and head out, back to the beach on my Kayak with the dog. I get to the beach and am loading up when another pick up pulls up. A guy gets out, he has a female black lad, we say hello, and I say to him that I thought hunting season was over and herd some hunters. He starts laughing and says no, no hunters I was just training my dog. He pulls out this gadget, puts a 22 shell in it pulls back this arm like thing and POW shoots off this white football like thing and his dog tears after it. I start laughing and tell him how I was hiding behind a tree, and of course he says sorry, and now we are kinda friends, and I know he would never in a million years suspect me of growing. In his mind you see growers a criminals demonize by law enforcement, not jolly people walking there dogs in the woods, hiding at the sound of gun shots.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Remember, foot gear is a sure footed way of getting busted, Hahahaha. No really, protect your treads with a little duct tape, it good for anything you know.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i live out in the woods and it doesn't take the cops long at all to come and help the stranded motorist. i'd be scared to park if i was dirty, have a friend drop you within walking distance.
I agree I'm dropped off each time then picked up at set times.