Partial Harvest????????????


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to partially harvest a plant? I have 3 trees (all different physical characteristics of bag seed) and I harvested one today. I have another plant that has 4 huge lateral growth limbs with massive cola's. It also has other sizable limbs with bud set's, including terminal that look entirely finished. Also, the terminal with this plant is strangely smaller than it's counter parts. So I cut those limbs today (yes, the terminal also). Some of the bud on these were actually browning and looking dead, terminal also. So, I thought the best thing was to cut them now rather than wait for those other big growths to finish while letting these further degrade. These other limbs have mostly all fresh pistils (one cola is over 3'). It's as if this plant gave up on the rest of it's parts and concentrated on those big one's. Is this typical? The third plant is normal and not ready yet. Any thoughts. Will I have to just go ahead and harvest this odd plant after doing what I did or is my thinking correct and I can wait for the rest to rippen? If you want pictures check out my post before this.


Well-Known Member
Yaaaahoooooooo. GGGrreeeaaatttt! These growths are most impressive. I was so hoping they can continue. Will have pictures with a tape measure when I harvest. I do not spend too much time here but I have yet to see a massive bud like the one that is tied up in my grow room.