passed 2 of 3 home drug tests, but im still unsure what to do. work related


Well-Known Member
so today i got up and took an at home drug test, it was my second piss of the day and the test came back negative, with the second line being faint, a few hours later around noon i took another one to be double sure, that one failed. now 2 hours later after drinking 2 gatorades i took another one and again passed but also with a faint line. after doing some quick searching about the faint line i read that any line, no matter how faint, is considered a negative specimen, and that some lines are just naturally faint. the test i will be taking however goes to a lab.

heres my dilema. i had left my job a few months back as a welder and fabricator at the shop my ole man works at. i was also the lead saw operator and in charge of that area. after leaving, i got sick and tired of sitting around and not working and doing what i was doing, i went back to the company and asked for my job back, which was of no problem, with that came a pre-employment drug screening again. i was dirty for pot at the time and grabbed one of the detox quick fix shakes and took that then went and did my UA, failed. normally thats it for a guy at this company, but ive been told by several of the guys there including the senior chief engineer that i am the best saw operator they have seen come through there in there 20+ years of working at this shop.

last week the boss calls me up and says the new saw man just isnt working out and that lead engineer said he dosnt trust anybody but myself to run the saw to cut the material for these overhead cranes. so they bring me back on, not as a company employee, but an independent private saw operator until i can pass a ua. there has been some serious rules, regulations, and company policies broke, bent, and altered to get me back. now its been about a month since i quit my daily usage, with a few slips here and there after being out at the bars and taking a toke or two, about 10 days ago was my last couple hits and i havnt smoked since, but this upcoming tuesday is when we all wanted this final UA taken so i can atleast get my benefits and everything back, and be a full time company employee again.

im about 150 pounds, i work hard for 10 hours a day at a fairly physicaly demanding posistion, and eat between 4-6 meals a day, so i have a relatively active metabalism. the ua is scheduled for tuesday atm and thats when i would like to do it too, im tired of this stress and worryng about this. but i also use cannabis for medicinal usage, despite not being in a MMJ state. its either pot, or opiate pain killers. and i have a bit of a problem with ops so i dont touch them anymore. ive been in alot of pain lately and want to get back to my medicine, although i have no problem waiting and restraining from using it until this is taken care of. i kno my boss wants this UA done, and soon too. my worry is trying to push it back again and him saying enough is enough.

my question for you guys is, are these faint lines something to worry about? and if i cant push this back any further, what can i do to help ensure that i pass this and get it out of the way? also i kno the lab tests are done in ppm, about 15ppm or higher is considered a positive specimen, 14 or lower is a negative. i also kno that the at home test kits im using test for about 8 differnt thc metabolits as opposed to the 1-2 that labs test for. do think that another 2-3 days of waiting will be sufficient enough to ensure a negative result? as well as an extra bottle or two of water drank before the test?

thanks RIU.
oh yes, i forgot to mention that the last time, for whatever reason, they made a male doctor come into the room with me and watch, theyve never done that before and it was NOT something my boss requested, in fact he was quite upset about that after i explained i sometimes have trouble going in front of someone and he agreed with me that in a way it was a violation of my privacy. so im just going to assume this time that i will have someone in there with me and that substituting in a differnt sample is out of the realm of possibilities

over 100 veiws, and nothing?
.....snip..... not as a company employee, but an independent private saw operator until i can pass a ua. ...snip...

If I were you I'd prefer being a 1099 contractor. If you upped the amount you are asking for, as a contractor, you could pay your own benefits and be done with ua worries.
i wish it was that easy. this was just a way for them to get me in the shop again and back on the saw, but it was made very clear to me it would not be indefinate, its either get a ua taken, or not and be done. more or less just a temp thing, something to bypass the company policies. i had even go so far as to contact our works investor, which is a branch of charles shwab i beleive, to discuss setting up my own personal 401k again and to also have a percentage taken from my checks to have invested in stocks again for my retirement as well. after i ran this by the bossman, i got the news that it was just a temp deal, and that it would not be going on for much longer. actually this is the first time they have ever done something like this for anyone, if you fail the initial pre-employment drug screening, thats it, there arnt second chances, thats not policy, just their choice. they have gone out on a limb here for me, it makes me feel good thoe knowing they believe in the quality of the work i perform, but also that im this good at something, hell 18 months ago i was sitting in prison for growing pot trying to figure out wtf i was going to do with my life, 5 days after my release my pops got me in, going out on a limb as well, to see if maybe this was my career feild. turns out it was. hes the lead fabricator and welder there, together were a dangerously good team. i cant let these guys down, they are counting on me, and i wanna make sure i live up to their full expectations and this needs to be done and out of the way
raw fruits and vegetables, high-quality multivitamins/omega 3 fish oil, virgin coconut oil, cranberry juice, and a lot of water/sauna. make sure all food is organic, too. I passed a drug test 5.5 days after I last smoked doing this. i'd recommend lots of goji berries and raspberries, especially at the same time for that synergistic effect.
Remember to buy organic, it's important. I actually passed a home drug test in 4.5 days, about exactly 24 hours before I took my real test. Pee a lot before your test on the day of, as many times as possible. I stopped by a gas station two minutes before walking into my job to piss one last time. Also, use your mid-stream urine, there are more toxins at the beginning.
I have worked the last 16 years as a licensed nurse and have had to deal with more than my share of UA's. My best advice is to carry in clean urine. Make sure to have over 40ccs. Its a damn shame they dont have a piss test for "stupid". Drugs don't ruin careers.....drug testing does!.....Good Luck!!
Unless your particular UA was marked to be "observed"....that doctor over-stepped his boundaries, if the UA is just a pre-employment deal, and we aren't talking National Security, there should never be anyone "watching" you urinate.....kinda sounds like a pervert to me!

Go test your theory at a job interview you could care less about getting the job. Make sure it's an employer that do pre employment drug testing (most disclose this in their advertisement). If your home remedy works, you are golden.

I have worked the last 16 years as a licensed nurse and have had to deal with more than my share of UA's. My best advice is to carry in clean urine. Make sure to have over 40ccs. Its a damn shame they dont have a piss test for "stupid". Drugs don't ruin careers.....drug testing does!.....Good Luck!!
I have worked the last 16 years as a licensed nurse and have had to deal with more than my share of UA's. My best advice is to carry in clean urine. Make sure to have over 40ccs. Its a damn shame they dont have a piss test for "stupid". Drugs don't ruin careers.....drug testing does!.....Good Luck!!


that's what i did ... taped a squirt bottled to my waist filled with someones clean piss. I got a hand warmer and right before I went in to the clinic I activated it and taped it on top. i unzipped my fly and squeezed it into the cup.

I waited until the temperature strip dropped just below body temp like 98-91
i took it this morning, and yes it was observed, my boss had no choice but to do an observed one because of insurance regulations for my failing of one already, but these people took it way to far, they made me drop my pants to my knees and pull my shirt up to my chest and have it observed by a male doc. i had a few choice words with them when they said how it needed to be done, absolutely rediculous. i told my boss what they made me do and he was just as upset as i was, he said it was absolutely degrading and humiliating and apolagized several times. end of story thoe. I PASSED. back to doing what i love for a living and talk about the appreciation and love from my fellow co-workers to have me back. things will finally be getting done the right way in my area. no more blotched jobs or scrapping several thousands dollars in steel. thats it. im home and happy as can be. our owner is from france and is actually in town for the week, he comes for 1 week every month, and he was just ecstatic. im very good at what i do and i knew that, but i never knew how much people appreciated my work when theyre the ones that have to deal with next process of that material coming to them. thanks for everything guys, i absolutely appreciate everything you guys recommended and all the words of encouragment. time for a huge dinner, and then some green crack outta one of my new toys. im thinking my new double tree perc. yum

toke on my friends, this ones for you