Passive air intake question


Hi lads and lasses was wondering if someone can give me some advice on passive intakes?? i use a green room tent 8'x4' with a 8" exhaust fan which shifts 1500m3 of air an hour, now normally i would use a forced air method in the way of an 6" intake fan which puts in 552m3 of air. Over the past few grows i have had a plant or 2 hermaphrodite, right next to where the cold air intake sits in the tent. I can only assume the air is to cold and stressing the plants out as its drawn from outside. So i thought i would give the passive method a try. So does any1 know if i use 110mm soil pipe at each end of the tent will suffice??


mr green


Well-Known Member
I doubt that was the reason for your hermies. How much cooler is the outside air?

I've had plants sit right in front of an AC not herm. Ofcourse there were some side effects though.

A general rule of thumb is twice the diameter of your exhaust size for passive intake. In my experience this still leaves you with a fair amount of back pressure generally. If you don't want that sort of thing then use a larger or more passive intakes.

- Jiji


The outside air temp is less than 10 degrees. I Cnt see any other reason for them to hermie as everything is spot on. So if my exhaust fan is 8" I will need 2 8" inlet vents open in the tent?
