Paying for seeds


Well-Known Member
Favorite seed bank not taking credit cards or you dont want Attitude to show up on your CC statement? Use TranferWise instead of bank wire. My bank charges $40 and makes it a hassle. You just have to make sure that your chosen seed bank can be trusted because once the money is sent there is nothing you can do to get your money back.

For banks in Ireland and UK you will need the sort # which is 3 pairs of numbers in the form of: xx-xx-xx. You will need the seed banks physical address, email, bank name, account number, and dont forget your order number. Discreet seeds, Mary's Seeds, London Seed Centre have all the info you need at their website. I have made two small orders to both Discreet and London Seed with no problem. Since the seed bank is getting exactly what you send it and not a cent less you should insist on the same discounts that seed banks give for wire transfers.