What Nusky said about the voltage is correct, it's how a computer would adjust the speed on a 3-wire fan with 12V DC being the max. The white or yellow wire is probably the one you won't need since that would be the wire the computer uses to detect fan speed, but like previously stated, the colors vary.
The amperage is what you want to look out for, don't undershoot it as it can and will burn your fan out. The rule is that you can have more, but not less, and with hooking more than one fan up, sure you can, but you have to add the amps each fan requires together and make sure your adapter puts out at least that much. A bit more is actually better since those adapters don't push the kind of constant power a fan motor wants, and sometimes the fan won't work if your adapter is maxed out or close to it.
For example, if you hook up two .470 amp fans, you'd want around a 1 amp (1000 milliamp) adapter or more. Just splice the second (or third) fan directly to the two wires from your adapter like you did with the first. This is known as a parallel circuit where the voltage is the same for each fan, and the available amps are divided between them.