PC Grow Box Blue Mystic

Hey guys, I don't know if anyone will still see this post, but I wanted to express my most sincere apologies for going quiet. I had a really busy month choosing universities, going to meet my dad etc. etc. Obviously the plant is long gone. On the other side, I have started a new grow and it is already better than the first, but I really would hate to repeat what I did with this journal so I won't be starting a new one until I am 100% sure that I won't be abscent for such a long period of time.

Once again sorry guys, I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

Peace out.
Newsflash: just finished the case. After 2h of work I finally managed to merge in all the components. Now what about the lights? Well, an idea struck me that I could just stick a few magnets to the extension cord... but I only found one magnet which proved to be not enough and the weight of the lights "un-stuck" the whole thing from the PC case... so then I got mad and figured out I'll just use twisty ties to attach the cord to a piece of wood... and then screw it to the case. Very brutal I know, but today all the shops are closed and I would have to wait until tomorrow to buy a magnet...

So thats concludes the whole project, it's a tad bit mickey mouse in some places. Maybe if I'll feel like it, I'll buy another case and this time do everything proper.

Day 3 of the Blue Mystic. I noticed today that a wee little taproot emerged from the seed, so I popped it into a small plastic cup (holes drilled in the bottem to allow excess water to run off). Now all we do is wait...
You are a Damn genius. I'm currently working on one that will be the inside of a hollowed out dresser.

Edit. Ahhhhhhh :( I just read the whole journal Damn sorry about your plant bro. Would like to see pictures of your current one....
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Thanks a lot for the words man. :D Good luck with your project, if you need any help just let me know. If you check my sig, you'll be able to see the pictures and the progress.