PC Grow Case HELP 4 weeks old


just click the youtube link and read the more info in the description leave me some feed back im a noob so any info would be great thanks


Active Member
There are a multitude of reasons why your plants aren't performing:

1) Ventilation
2) Light
3) Watering Schedule
4) genetics
5) Temperature

You need to provide more specifics about your setup: Give us a quick run-down of your overall setup, and what kind of watering / nutes you are using. I had a case one time where my buddies plants did not grow on schedule, because he waiting 3 weeks too long before he put them into his growing medium, and let the roots die and sit in air for much too long which stunted their growth... Little more info (especially on watering, lights, and nutes) - will produce a better diagnosis. What type of soil bed is that / how deep is it?


Active Member
I watched that video again, from the looks of it - your soil bed is very shallow. If the roots don't have adequate room to penetrate and spread - you will most likely have problems with growth. Did you say that these had been in the ground for 3-4 weeks? Even under CFLs - there should be much more growth than what is shown in the picture, unless you grew them from seed?