Pc grow case using soil


Active Member
Great job man! Have you grown any from start to finish in the case? Ive got 2 shortryders in soil and just wanted to see what I can expect in a month and a bit.


Well-Known Member
Hey harveyjarvey, I have not grown any plant in my pc case from start to finish because of the bad batch of auto Blue Mystics that grew over 2 and 3 feet tall. Your shortryders should be just fine in your case. I saw a few people grow Shortryders in their case using soil.
Great job man! Have you grown any from start to finish in the case? Ive got 2 shortryders in soil and just wanted to see what I can expect in a month and a bit.


Well-Known Member
DECEMBER 5, 2010

Day 106 flowering ---KIM(Sassy's clone)
Day 91 flowering (12/12)----2 BLUE MYSTIC
Day 91 flowering (12/12)----RED SPICE HASH(SADE)
Day 78 flowering-----WENDY (Kim's clone)

I have decided to harvest Kim, Sade, and 1 of the BMs. The BM hairs are amber & have receded and the buds are hard. The sativas are getting harvested because I want to see if the high will be different from Sassy's. They all are getting the pre-harvest feeding which is Magical (1/2 tsp) and Sugar Daddy (8 tsps). The directions said to feed them this for 3 days but I don't know if that's 3 straight days or 3 feedings of this formula and then 4 days of flushing. Any advice is welcome. The next update will be their weight.

SMOKE REPORT............

Sassy has been curing for 1 week, I rolled a joint just to see how the high would be. It was a nice high, kind of sneaks up on you. Had me going around doing chores I had put off for a while:) It's not the put you to sleep kind of high that's for damn sure.





1 OF THE BLUE MYSTICS.................




Well-Known Member
sounds great! that uppy high is either due to pickin early with cloudy trichs or the sativa high...cant wait to see some cured and dried buds!


Well-Known Member
What's up Rastadred, man I can't wait until they finish curing. The high is nice right now but I know it will be even better in 2 more weeks.
sounds great! that uppy high is either due to pickin early with cloudy trichs or the sativa high...cant wait to see some cured and dried buds!


Well-Known Member
What's up Rastadred, man I can't wait until they finish curing. The high is nice right now but I know it will be even better in 2 more weeks.
sounds like u have the patients! great job! patients is whats needed for better smoke! the longer the dry and cure process the better the erb


Well-Known Member
nice!sop i tried ur dryin method..brown paper bag...for half my harvest...the buds that i just posted pics of...and it turned out great they smellt better than the buds i had hanging and they took a little longer to dry which is nice!,...one thing i did notice though is that the bud draws out alot of moisture from the stem as well...which is ok, but not ideal as u want that moisture for the cure...but im pleased with this method and tried it again on some more bdus


Well-Known Member
Hey Rastadred, I tried the brown bag method after hanging the buds for 3 days, with one of my blue mystics, Kim and Sade. I left mine in the bag for 2 days, then put them in jars. I open the jars every 12 hours to allow them to burp for 10-20 minutes. I will experiment with the brown bag method again. My buds do smell better than Sassy does. I have to get by your thread to check out your buds:)
nice!sop i tried ur dryin method..brown paper bag...for half my harvest...the buds that i just posted pics of...and it turned out great they smellt better than the buds i had hanging and they took a little longer to dry which is nice!,...one thing i did notice though is that the bud draws out alot of moisture from the stem as well...which is ok, but not ideal as u want that moisture for the cure...but im pleased with this method and tried it again on some more bdus


Well-Known Member
Okay an update on my harvest of Kim, Sade, and the 2 blue mystics. I got almost 2 ounces off Kim and Sade together. They smell much better than Sassy did. I'm still curing them as well as Sassy. I got 2 and 1/2 ounces off the 2 Blue Mystics. I got a 1/2 ounce dry weight off the cola on one of the blue mystics alone. Man they smell so good I can't wait for curing process to finish. I remembered to take a pic of one of the blue mystics dry weight.
