PC Stealth Grow! " Going Well " ? ? ?


Active Member
I am now 22 Days into Vegging my baby & already there are signs of gender ( Female )

I will upload pictures ASAP ( I need to figure out, how to upload pictures so they are big as possible ) Any HELP would be much appreciated <

Rhino !



Active Member
YESS ! I worked it out quite quickly , I'm all good & ready to start on this Thread and my profile .. here's another Picture for the mean time



Active Member
Another Picture , I know from looking at a lot of threads, Its good to have a lot of pictures : ] with a short message to keep you Interested .. Rhino !



Well-Known Member
strain? ...whats the soil your growing in? looks like quite a big tupaware dish for one plant? did you intend on doing another plant in the same dish with it? how many watts of cfl?.....and the only advice i have is...ditch the foil...and paint your walls FLAT white.


Well-Known Member
and what are u feeding her? if anything at all?....looks like you have slight burn on your third newest growth


Active Member
I have been growing this for about 20 days now , & already Its showing signs of flowing I believe this plant is an auto flowering strain , It was found in a bud in a bud of Blue Cheese however the blue cheese I did find it in was no ordinary blue cheese it had a really strong berry taste & that Cheese smell but It tasted like no other Blue cheese I have smoked & the high of it Was Intense , Of course the seed isn't going to be anyhthing special as it has been produced by a hermaphrodite plant.

But im still going to grow it , A seed should have as much right to grow, as Me or You...

PICTURE !!! lol



Active Member
Wow Quick reply already,, this thread has only been going a few minutes and already I have a response

That burn is from the light been too close to the leaf after I sprayed It , I think the water droplet can magnify heat

i am using 2 - 20w CFL warm white ( 2700k ) I had 1 6500k Light for while vegging but it broke , Iv'e tryed new fuses on plugs & everything but no Light

So its just two - 2700k Warm white which are good for the flowering stage I know but a mix of the two would of been great ,

I have 1 Exaust fan & a hole in the best place possible so it a nice air flow is going though the box

More picture lol !


Well-Known Member
Looking really good man. I will warn you though I had one of the bigges PC grow cases I could find and as soon as I hit flowering it outgrew it VERY quickly... so make sure you either have other plans (container wise) or flower before it gets too big.


Active Member
Low Stress Training the plant keeps the plant very low, So thers more space for the bud to grow so it wont be a problem , I also have chicken wire and a shelf I'll be using in about 40-50 days when all the branches have grown to reasonable length & showing signs of flowering ,

The plant seems to showing signs of flowering all ready , & looking very frosty