Pcb board heatsinks. where to buy in EU


Active Member
hi people

im just about to buy some LED PCB boards from china and was wondering if i can save some money on the shipping costs ordering the heavier parts like drivers and heatsink from Europe. For the drivers i found some sites with free shipping cost in EU but im still on the search for the heatsinks in EU (preferably germany , austria).
i was thinking about building 2 boards like this one https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Yuanhui-newest-qb288-240w-V4-hlg_62350834183.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.0.0.9e02165asYmCq2 for 1m2.

does somebody know where to buy the heatsinks for these boards in EU ? preferably i would like the heatsinks to be a bit bigger than those from china so i can space them pcb boards a bit wider (if that makes sense?)
