Peachey Mac - Incredible BULK


Active Member

been doing this for years but first time with these strains. So either being paranoid, inpatient or somethings up.

They were vegged for a week (yes a week) and currently on their 2week of flower, incredible bulk looks good like, but the others ones are taking abit slower, or just different
it could be that I’m comparing them to the incredible bulk plant so expecting too much, as that’s a different animal, but brute not far behind in terms of growth. they seem almost stressed on the tops, too much light? Transition stress? Never been a problem think I’ve notice this in the past, but these boys are bushy and wondering if they’re Gina fill out, again never usually a problem with the power I shine on them, have They grown too big? (Literally a week veg from about 10cm. Could be too much light
Temps have dipped in dark but never gone below 50, sorted that now, usually 60-65 when lights are off now, I’ve grown big plants in the past, bigger plants usually need more light to fill them out or whisper bids towards the bottom, surely these plants have enough lights to fill these out, (I usually have fast popcorn buds right down to soil with pruning) I’m seeing twisting leaves on some close to the flowering sites, closer to lights, could be answering my own question here, also seem abit yellow closer to the buds, only the little leaves but this could be down to new growth, as seen many times in past, as they’re growing fast,,they do seem bushier than normal so could be slower due to filling them out, the size have come from only have long a couple under per light, more room bigger plants, do they seem spindly towards the tops? Is this transition stress? Light stress? Temps run around 75 and finish around 78 as lights go off, feeding canna a and canna b and secret ingredient of course

have a look, input appreciated.

this isn’t my first rodeo either

been doing this for years but first time with these strains. So either being paranoid, inpatient or somethings up.

They were vegged for a week (yes a week) and currently on their 2week of flower, incredible bulk looks good like, but the others ones are taking abit slower, or just different
it could be that I’m comparing them to the incredible bulk plant so expecting too much, as that’s a different animal, but brute not far behind in terms of growth. they seem almost stressed on the tops, too much light? Transition stress? Never been a problem think I’ve notice this in the past, but these boys are bushy and wondering if they’re Gina fill out, again never usually a problem with the power I shine on them, have They grown too big? (Literally a week veg from about 10cm. Could be too much light
Temps have dipped in dark but never gone below 50, sorted that now, usually 60-65 when lights are off now, I’ve grown big plants in the past, bigger plants usually need more light to fill them out or whisper bids towards the bottom, surely these plants have enough lights to fill these out, (I usually have fast popcorn buds right down to soil with pruning) I’m seeing twisting leaves on some close to the flowering sites, closer to lights, could be answering my own question here, also seem abit yellow closer to the buds, only the little leaves but this could be down to new growth, as seen many times in past, as they’re growing fast,,they do seem bushier than normal so could be slower due to filling them out, the size have come from only have long a couple under per light, more room bigger plants, do they seem spindly towards the tops? Is this transition stress? Light stress? Temps run around 75 and finish around 78 as lights go off, feeding canna a and canna b and secret ingredient of course

have a look, input appreciated.

this isn’t my first rodeo either